Crohns / ulcerative colitis sufferers

There is a link with some advice above - general advice is basically stay on them/follow advice of doctors... (you don't want a flare up when hospitals are already overrun)

the risk factors with this new virus seems to be things like heart disease, respiratory issues, diabetes and cancer... the various articles I've seen don't mention IBD, obvs we know we've got a slightly lower immune system when taking various meds for IBD.
I wouldn’t do anything without talking to your care team first. Last thing you want is a flare up due to cutting back your meds and end up in a worse situation.

This wouldn't be something we can discuss, it would break forum rules and could get the thread closed.

Speak to your consultant or care team.

I was more thinking out loud. Not something I'd just run with

Funnily enough it came up on the news earlier. Those of us on Immunosuppressant drugs are not more likely to contract Covid-19 however our symptoms "may" be worse than they would have, had we not been compromised.

But the same goes for the Flu, Colds blah blah etc etc
The problem is you can never really tell how your immune system is affected by meds, They effect every one differently. Having IBD also plays havoc with your immune system especially when in a flare. If we did get it some of the drugs we take may even help reduce symptoms but this could make it harder to detect early on. It’s best to just play it safe tbh and see how things play out.
Funnily enough it came up on the news earlier. Those of us on Immunosuppressant drugs are not more likely to contract Covid-19 however our symptoms "may" be worse than they would have, had we not been compromised.

But the same goes for the Flu, Colds blah blah etc etc

Problem is the government intends to let this thing spread... they're kind of aiming for most of the population to contract it.

Bit more motivation to try and isolate/avoid etc..
the risk factors with this new virus seems to be things like heart disease, respiratory issues, diabetes and cancer... the various articles I've seen don't mention IBD, obvs we know we've got a slightly lower immune system when taking various meds for IBD.

Aren't the immunocompromised part of the high risk group? Some of us are on pretty aggressive immunomodulatory therapies.
I've been off my drugs for a year now, everything is fine at moment. I'm shocked I haven't had a flair tho. Liver tests are normal. Maybe I have grown out of this
Aren't the immunocompromised part of the high risk group? Some of us are on pretty aggressive immunomodulatory therapies.

well yes elderly and immunocompromised need to be careful AFAIK - I was just saying the specific underlying conditions mentioned so far have been those
Some more IBD stuff re: current outbreak, basically carry on as per your doctor, contact doctor if you have fever - be aware any elective surgery might be postponed ditto to any new commencement of treatments that require visits/infusions.


Also this re: China - though note China has relatively few patients with IDB:
All you chaps holding out ok? Keen to find out if anyone on IBD immunosupressants have had the virus and how they've coped. If anyone sees anything online, please share.
I've got a cough/sore throat... bit annoyed at myself, went out last Monday and it was going to be my last time out essentially before planning to lock down later last week (figured it was very low odds etc... still). Now it probably is a cold, unless there are loads of unknown asymptomatic carriers... but the girl next to me on the train was coughing, I got up to move down the carriage but still... I've got a cough, sore throat etc...
I didn't think a sore throat was a symptom, So most probably just a cold.

That being said... Having a cold will hurt your immune system making you more likely to suffer more if you do get Covid-19

Stay safe
You'd also think they'd have No symptoms on there too. Unless that may spread panic. "They live amongst us"


I guess they don't have much data on asymptomatic cases. I mean we already know it is spreading so in a way it might be more reassuring if we were to find out that there were loads of them... in that case it's not quite so bad. Though the WHO seemed to be quite impressed with China's testing etc.. so there might not be as many as people think. Likewise with the cruise ship, only 1/2 of cases were asymptomatic apparently. (then again I wonder what sort of age most of them were).

Hope you feel better asap @dowie

Cheers :)
Anyone isolated yet? I'm working from home tomorrow onwards. The whole thing is annoying though...there's all sorts of stuff we were supposed to do over the next few weeks and we can't do any of it.
I'm isolating now, still kicking myself for catching a cough last Monday etc... Will just stay in isolation from now onwards - though my plan to leave London has been scuppered (can't sadly go and stay at my mum's with a cough now even though it is quite blatantly just a cough/sore throat). It is frustrating that loads of people still don't seem to get it and are just not listening to advice, blatantly aren't washing hands etc..etc..

I mean if only targeted the reckless then that would be one thing but it's just going to spread it, increase the risk for everyone and end up with old people and vulnerably groups getting hit unnecessarily too.
Started social distancing two weeks ago, and in social isolation and wfh since Monday. Even the gf is being kept at bay, and my parents are ok with us not seeing each other for a while. What solitude!

I will probably go for runs every day if possible, and brave a food shop once a week.

Crohns and Colitis UK has confirmed that the meds i am on make me (and probably most of us) high risk and vulnerable. (updated 17th March)

Am I at extra risk because I am taking an immunosuppressive / immunomodulating medicine?
Medicines that alter the immune system (immunosuppressive/immunomodulating medicines) for Crohn’s and Colitis include azathioprine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate, cyclosporin, infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab, ustekinumab, steroids (such as prednisolone and budesonide), vedolizumab and tofacitinib. See our information on treatments for more about these medicines and how they may affect you.

People taking immunosuppressive/immunomodulating medicines for Crohn’s or Colitis are considered ‘high risk’ or ‘vulnerable.’ This means they are at a higher risk of a more severe infection or complications from the virus if they are infected.
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I'm never sure how long it takes for your immune system to recover after coming off steroids. I've been off a month now and was only on them for 2 months in the last 10 years.... It just had to be 2 months prior to bloody corona virus!
It takes me ages to come off prednisalone. They messed up when I was first diagnosed and forgot to take me off them. So was on for over 12 months.. They seem very conscious of this now and my last flair went on for Neal 12 months before they finally gave in and let me have them again. I respond quick when on but ht taper is not good... Coming down is ok its the last few weeks if i go too quick I rebound flair
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