There is a link with some advice above - general advice is basically stay on them/follow advice of doctors... (you don't want a flare up when hospitals are already overrun)
the risk factors with this new virus seems to be things like heart disease, respiratory issues, diabetes and cancer... the various articles I've seen don't mention IBD, obvs we know we've got a slightly lower immune system when taking various meds for IBD.
I wouldn’t do anything without talking to your care team first. Last thing you want is a flare up due to cutting back your meds and end up in a worse situation.
This wouldn't be something we can discuss, it would break forum rules and could get the thread closed.
Speak to your consultant or care team.
I was more thinking out loud. Not something I'd just run with
Funnily enough it came up on the news earlier. Those of us on Immunosuppressant drugs are not more likely to contract Covid-19 however our symptoms "may" be worse than they would have, had we not been compromised.
But the same goes for the Flu, Colds blah blah etc etc