I've recently been diagnosed with Pan UC, after spending 4 years going to the toilet 15 times a day and bleeding so much that I ended up severely anaemic with a resting heartrate of 130 bpm and getting out of breath just walking up a single flight of stairs. I've now been on 3g of Mesalazine for about 2 months and its been a life changer, toilet just once a day, no bleeding, no pain, and no discomfort.
However, all this has taken a toll on my liver and it looks like I'm going to be diagnosed with primary cholangitis sclerosing which is a result of UC. I had an MRI scan about 3 weeks ago so I'm now just waiting for my results. Unfortunately its terminal and the only treatment is a transplant and even then it can return.
I also have pancolitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Had it for about 10 years now, honestly thought I'd have needed a liver transplant or be dead by now. I took all my meds like a good boy and over the last few years it's acquiesced, I think my liver is still on the slide slowly, but I've been off med's for my bowels for years and I go like a normal person, once a day, sometimes even longer. I take 1 ursodeoxycholic acid for my liver a day. I've sorted the rest of my diet, I eat well, exercise, and my job has a physical element, fingers crossed it's not all doom and gloom mate, you aren't alone anyway
Sorry to hear about the PSC diagnoses. Dr Google does seem to be quite pessimistic with its long term outcome for PSC sufferers.
I joined a PSC group on Facebook and going by a lot of the posts on there, many people live with PSC with very few symptoms for a very long time, without the disease progressing. Also, those that do have transplants tend to do very well afterwards, for the most part.
How did you both get diagnosed with PSC out of interest? Was it symptomatic or via bloods?
I'm sure @chipperhead had a liver transplant due to UC / PSC? I don't know how well he is doing now but maybe he can update us!