Crohns / ulcerative colitis sufferers

11 Sep 2008
If it's any consolation, I had ileostomy surgery for UC in 2020 and after the initial shock, I genuinely wish I'd had it 10 years before.

It has its moments but it's so freeing not having to worry about where the nearest toilet is. I didn't realise how id compromised my life in so many ways because of UC, until I no longer had the urgency and worry any more.
Well after 3 weeks in hospital and no improvement, met with the surgeons yesterday and that's the decision I need to make over the weekend. I'm not going to lie the thought of surgery petrifies me.
11 Oct 2005
Manchester, UK
Well after 3 weeks in hospital and no improvement, met with the surgeons yesterday and that's the decision I need to make over the weekend. I'm not going to lie the thought of surgery petrifies me.

I was in a similar position. Hospital for 3 weeks, lost 20kg and lots of blood. I think I managed 1 meal and some snacks in the last week before surgery. Steroids stopped working and not enough time for biologics to do their thing.

I was genuinely terrified of surgery but honestly, from the moment I woke up after surgery, I already felt better. Yes it was quite painful but nothing compared to going to the toilet 20 times a day with barely any strength and a drip stand that needed dragging with me each time.

The first couple of months after surgery was a big transition phase but once you find a bag that suits you and you regain some strength, I found it much better than UC. Not having to worry about needing the toilet urgently is such a novelty that will never wear off.

I still eat what I want and do everything I could do before, plus more. It hasn't stopped me in any way.

If you ever need to chat or want any advice, feel free to reach out. There's also loads of good groups and people on social media, which I found massively helpful and still do.
2 May 2011
I had an ileocecal bowel resection of about 30 cm of my small intestine four weeks ago on Monday. As @DanTheMan says, it was a relief. I was also scared, mainly of how I would feel afterwards and to be honest with you, I felt rubbish for the first three days following surgery until I got home. But from about a week I was feeling relatively normal. The only thing that's still not completely OK is part of the opening they made which hasn't quite healed up yet, but it's nearly there. Otherwise, I can eat everything again and I've had no bowel issues.

I don't have a bag, but if I had been given one, the way they presented it to me made it sounds very much OK.
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