Cross-dressing! Does anyone dabble?

Another Rocky Horror Unconventional Conventionist here. :)
Last time I got dressed up was in the full Frank style costume. Bodice and all. Was useful. Left cup phone, right cup wallet. :D Actually found size 12 heels reasonably easily. But I was in Soho at the time...

Hope you're not larger than your other half, she won't be happy at all if you stretch them.
lol.. I started reading this and imagined every person writing on this thread in drag.. Yes dressed as a woman plenty of times, never got any thrill from it though, still the **** up the backdoor was surprising to say the least!
The smiley really takes the edge off your sinister post.

For God's sake, get a life, it was tongue in cheek, this is an out in the sticks country town with a huge rugby following, not the metropolis with gender neutral lavatories. A bloke in stilettos and women's clothing is not going to pass uncommented or unnoticed, and reaction is likely to border on open hostility from many blokes. Jeez, even a chap wearing after shave is likely to get a ribbing :)
So... I find myself on my own this weekend and after a few beers am feeling, let's say, a little bit 'experimental'. I am half tempted to bust out some of the wife's stockings, suspenders, and thong (black lace ofc) and parade around the house without a care in the world.... I think it could be a very liberating but at the same time, auto-erotic experience... I sure am tempted!

While such an act would be purely for my own self gratification I am interested in hearing from others who may have experience in this area.... I guess my biggest concern is that such impulses represent a 'slippery slope' and would act as a gateway towards more depraved acts in the future. I would hate to think that I would eventually find myself going full drag queen with public displays etc.

So any cross-dressers (or cross-dress curious) people care to offer me guidance? Should I do it or not?

Hello? Is this me posting whilst asleep?
Have dressed as a girl for a themed night out/**** up, fancy dress party etc.. in the past. I can't say it would be something I'd consider doing at home alone though...
So... I find myself on my own this weekend and after a few beers am feeling, let's say, a little bit 'experimental'. I am half tempted to bust out some of the wife's stockings, suspenders, and thong (black lace ofc) and parade around the house without a care in the world.... I think it could be a very liberating but at the same time, auto-erotic experience... I sure am tempted!

While such an act would be purely for my own self gratification I am interested in hearing from others who may have experience in this area.... I guess my biggest concern is that such impulses represent a 'slippery slope' and would act as a gateway towards more depraved acts in the future. I would hate to think that I would eventually find myself going full drag queen with public displays etc.

So any cross-dressers (or cross-dress curious) people care to offer me guidance? Should I do it or not?

Get your knickers off love...i'm the ragman!!!
And if you're ever in Whitchurch keep the gentleman's gear on, the rugby lads aren't into
"that sort of thing" round here. Their idea of a bit of fun is often many people's idea of GBH ;)
You make it sound like they aren't satisfied unless they are forced, as a result of their preferred hobbies, to wear nappies for weeks on end.
Me and lady and a fair few of our friendship group do comicon and stuff. I'd love a steam punk outfit too. But not cross dressing lol. But yeah cosplay is fun.

Last Halloween I went as tron with light tubes etc. Did get a lot of attention!
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