Those LCDs at 1,000,000:1 are not lying they are using a different measuring system which is dynamic contrast ratio. While the 1000:1 is none dynamic contrast ratio and the two cannot be compared. Every screen has both dynamic and none dynamic its just dynamic is higher so company's started using that one as it sounds better for marketing even though what most of us care about is the none dynamic ratio.I'm not even sure that's true. Different numbers from different sources would both agree and disagree with that. LCDs that quote ridiculous contrast ratios of 1,000,000:1 are obviously lying but measured contrast ratios of 1000:1 aren't unheard of among LCDs and that's higher than some sources I can find regarding CRTs' real-world contrast ratio. It's also variable with a CRT and they suffer from worse reflections (compared to matte LCDs anyway), which would reduce the visible contrast ratio.
It was true when LCD first came out that CRT had better colours, ratios and most things but I agree with you that's not correct anymore. IPS screens are ahead of any CRT I owned in everything apart from MS response time.