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playing Novalogics Delta Force bunny hopping whilst spraying the M249 downing foes or being miles out on a Hillside with the .50Cal adjusting for bullet drop counter sniping.. happy memories.
Being at a youth/Lan centre, and someone turning up with a starcraft 1 CD. Excitedly and nervously asking if it was the full version as I'd only played the demo on my briefs mac.
Installing spawned versions on each machine and then us all playing together. To this day, still my favourite game, and that man is still a great friend of mine 25 years later.
Going round to my cousins house and being put on the original Carmaggeddon for the first time, hearing the line in the intro "Those who are about to die, we salute you" and being hooked before I'd even played my first match. The game didn't disappoint one bit and I never enjoyed console games the same ever again lol
Hinting that desperately turned into begging as Christmas grew closer for an Atari, being told that it was not a possibility, even my sister, who is older than me, coming in from the pub and taking me aside to ask me to stop pressing for this as mum and dad simply couldn’t afford it this year.
I woke up on Christmas morning and wandered downstairs determined to look happy with whichever main present they got me that I clearly did not want (what a brat eh), my legs actually went weak when I saw the box, I can still remember the smell of the plastic (wood effect lol) and the feel of the controllers. Games have moved on but nothing has caught me like playing space invaders in my living room with my big sis.
I still have the console, how could I ever part with that.
Taking my Chieftec Dragon PC and 19" CRT round to my mates every weekend where we'd enjoy some chemically enhanced CS1.6. Ice World and Pool Day to warm up then clan wars all night.
Racing Dale Earnhardt Jr in iRacing. He was catching me, then crashed. In the same season I also raced and beat Justin Wilson (RIP)
Looking for where my older brother hid the manual or code wheel to play stuff like Monkey Island when he went out. It was his PC to be fair:D
Entering a competition to win a bar of chocolate at the local village festival by scoring as many points in 10 minutes on sonic 2, then proceeding to demolish the high score in 20 seconds as I had been practicing speed running the game over the previous few weeks and knew that you earn a tonne of points for fast stage clears. It made that chocolate taste all the sweeter.
My best memory was pre-PC gaming.

My best friend used to live right across the road from me, and we both bought Doom for the PS1. Every Friday I would carry over my PlayStation and my heavy AF CRT tv and link together for 1v1 death match.
At the time, it was revolutionary to us and we would play this for hours and hours.
I think it has to be playing Americas Army with my childhood friends when we were youngsters in the early 2000's, on family PC's.

We all lived on the same housing estate, and it was long before discord, we used walkie talkies to communicate while playing.

Great times.
When I was a teenager I asked to borrow some money from my Mum so I could buy a game for my ZX Spectrum (yes I'm THAT old!!). When she asked what it was for she thought I wanted to buy some.... lets say top shelf "literature". I had to explain that Jet Set Willy was a game, but she still wasn't fully convinced. Once I did manage to borrow the cash to get it I couldn't get near the Specky to play.... Yup - Mum was hooked!
I remember desperately trying to upgrade my franken-PC, the guts of a Dell prebuilt that I'd moved over to a fresh case, with a Pentium 4. Some shiny new RAM and a bigger hard disk, all in the hope of running this strange game called Oblivion that I'd read about in a magazine.

Eventually, I've managed to get into it, and muddle my way through this dank and weird dungeon, with a bunch of dialogue that made little sense... and was then rewarded with the most amazing sight, as I popped my head out of the last door and saw that bright blue sky over the island, and the beautiful river dancing ahead of me.

I still haven't beaten that for a moment of jaw-dropping joy!
Going around to my cousins who had a Tony Hawk's pro skater on his PC and playing as wolverine just randomly mashing the buttons to pull any trick I can. Always looked forward to visiting them due to this experience.
going to my mate house in primary school and playing Mario Bros on his Nes, got me hooked on gaming for the rest of my life :)
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