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When I bought my first house I moved 2 of my best mates into the spare rooms and we were all avid gamers, so much so that we had mini leagues on both Street Fighter and FIFA on the PS1 and played for cash....
During the first year we went through 71...yes 71 PS1 pads that we smashed up in anger.

The worst one was when one mf my mates hurled a pad through the patio doors after I scored a winner in inury time and it clocked the neighbours cat on the head.
He had to take it to the vet to get some stitches put in and apologise profusely to my neighbour...which of course I enjoyed immensley. :D
Many good memories - some highlights are:

- Playing TFC on my old family PC as a kid at a framerate that could only be described in seconds per frame... found a clan who would let me play with them regularly, as a grenadey boi so I could just blindly fire grenades in to a room and possibly help!

- 3 friends and I getting repeatedly accused of cheating and kicked/banned from some servers on BFBC2 and BF3 becuase we were.... using skype to communicate effectively and watching each others backs :D

- ARK: lived in a house with another gamer and most weekends when the game was adding content frequently we'd have a couple of other friends round for a LAN and go out and try to tame whatever the new creature was, sometimes taking all night.
Later on (Ark Ascended), joining the Monarky community and finding tons of cool new people to play with (as all my other friends are bored of Ark but I still love it!), including scheduled events which have been great fun
Playing Duke Nuke 3D and going up to the stripers in the club and giving them money and saying to them shake'm baby! :cry:

My friend would also bring his PC round to my parents house and we would take over my parents dinning room table and link our PC's up using com port and play Duke Nuke 3D death match.
Playing the original Age of Empires demo with my brothers. We used to get our dad to start the download of the demo from GameSpot and leave it running overnight using GetRight download manager and hope that it is done by the morning or at least still going
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