Crucials new SSD! The M500! Pre-order for stock end of week!

Doesn't matter how you dress it up over 10 quid, you still price gouged the crap out of it ;)

The very fact you priced dropped it to £499 after reading this thread shows this.

We are making sub standard margin now so it doesnt show it. A gesture of good will is a gesture of good will something that if you continue to argue about on a forum that is paid for by OcUK so that members such as yourself can use will ultimately result in the good will gestures being withdrawn.
live rates are different to the rates used by distribution, their rates depend on their buy in.

Are you being stubborn and argumentative for a reason or have you just had a bad day? Just admit that you jumped to an incorrect conclusion and we can all go about our business in peace

No, I go from facts and what is presented in front of me. I know full well how it all works, but matter of fact remains regardless how you have set your rates doesn't account for the massive difference in price.

Not going to argue over it now, the price has been amended to a more realistic value and the customer has won - so good work.
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No, I go from facts and what is presented in front of me. I know full well how it all works, but matter of fact remains regardless how you have set your rates doesn't account for the massive difference in price.

Not going to argue over it now, the price has been amended to a more realistic value and the customer has won - so good work.

Are you going to complain to every other etailer who is priced above us? Being argumentative doesnt get you anywhere. Occasionally it may work but most of the time I read comments with a negative attitude that mayy be a little argumentative and I instantly ignore the issue so the customer ultimately loses out. There are ways of getting a point across in a positive manner which keeps everyone happy so please help towards achieving this as we are all more than happy to help.
Are you going to complain to every other etailer who is priced above us? Being argumentative doesnt get you anywhere. Occasionally it may work but most of the time I read comments with a negative attitude that mayy be a little argumentative and I instantly ignore the issue so the customer ultimately loses out. There are ways of getting a point across in a positive manner which keeps everyone happy so please help towards achieving this as we are all more than happy to help.

If you knew me, you know full well that I pick on other retailers, much, much more than ocuk - don't forget I like ocuk :)

Look I'm not trying to be a **** or anything and I glad we can have this debate with ocuk about issues and have a transparent discussion - sets you apart.

Don't forget it wasn't me that dug up the press release pricing. I mealy worked out the difference with the tools at hand and pulled you up on it, you acted by doing a price drop (good work) and customer wins.
If you knew me, you know full well that I pick on other retailers, much, much more than ocuk - don't forget I like ocuk :)

Look I'm not trying to be a **** or anything and I glad we can have this debate with ocuk about issues and have a transparent discussion - sets you apart.

Don't forget it wasn't me that dug up the press release pricing. I mealy worked out the difference with the tools at hand and pulled you up on it, you acted by doing a price drop (good work) and customer wins.

I know you like OcUK and I know this was once your stomping ground for work and I know that your not being an arse for the sake of it as what you have said is pretty much valid on all levels bar the odd factors you had missed out but thats to be expected given the face value of the information you have at hand.

I agree, customer wins which is always a nice thing to see as a happy customer buys again but $ rate iwasnt the only factor that caused a bump thats all. NAND is on the way up which may mean that the price may have to increase in a couple of weeks as theres only so much of a price inflation we can swallow before it becomes uneconomical for us as a company (factor in returns, warehouse staffing, storage costs from overheads of the building) now in the grand scheme of things the cost is minimal but it all adds up and all it takes is one unit to come back as faulty in say 50units to wipe out any profit that had been made.

A price bump from a manufacturer of 10% usually equates to a 11.2% price increase as margin made by the supplier remains at a constant 2% which means that 0.2% is added before the stock even arrives and the set margin we make is technically 10% higher (per percentage of margin due to a price increase) again as a minimum too. NAND prices are hard to work out but all in all where we was was about right based on the factors mentioned so where we are now leaves us little if not no room to promote in the future.
What is it with the crappy Write speeds on the lower capacity models of Crucials?

Less capacity = less chips = less channels to write to. Unless you use lower capacity chips in lower capacity models, there's no way around that, but that would increase prices as it would reduce uniformity across the range.

OCZ or Sandisk FTW.

Ive not seen this effect any of the other SSDs on the market?

Corsair Neutron - 120GB 211MB/s write, 240GB 370MB/s write.
Corsair Neutron GTX - 120GB 330MB/s write, 240GB 511 MB/s write.
OCZ Vertex 4 64GB - 220MB/s write, 128GB 430MB/s write.
Samsung 840 120GB - 130MB/s write, 250GB 330MB/s write.
Samsung 840 Pro 128GB - 390MB/s write, 256GB 520MB/s write.

This is repeated with Intel X25 series drives also, and the higher capacity drives again show a boost over what I've posted here.

Sandforce drives have differently rated speeds as the quoted numbers are using compressible data, and thus these numbers aren't as affected by the number of channels available to write to - however, numbers are still higher for the larger capacity drives.
The main issue is

Samsung 840 Pro 256GB 520MB/s Write
Crucial M500 240GB 250MB/s Write

IOPS are also much higher on the Samsung drive.

Pricing is also extremely similar.

Who would get the Crucial over the Samsung at the 256GB capacity level?
My post above was just addressing why the write speeds are lower on lower capacity SSDs. Your question will need to wait for some benchmarks, as stated above firmware has a lot to do with it as does the NAND. The M500 may well perform better than stated, or be improved with firmware updates just like the M4 was. The M500 may turn out to be more durable than the Samsung, or better in some situations. I'm not saying it will - just that we will have to wait for benchmarks and real world testing before condemning or praising these drives.
AM and Locky...

Test unit will be with us shortly! Heres hoping for some nice performance figures but more importantly, here is hoping for some nice real world performance figures so we can see just how fast this drive really is :)
Damn, i thought the 240GB drives would be more like £100 for these and the 480GB ~£200 :(. But instead they are quite a bit more expensive than M4's / 840's e.t.c : /

The only kinda of decently priced on is the 960GB and im not spending £450 on a hard drive.
Damn, i thought the 240GB drives would be more like £100 for these and the 480GB ~£200 :(. But instead they are quite a bit more expensive than M4's / 840's e.t.c : /

The only kinda of decently priced on is the 960GB and im not spending £450 on a hard drive.

This is unfortunately what happens when the $ rate becomes unfavorable and the price of NAND increases.

RAM has been hit the hardest, as low as £25 for an 8GB kit 6 months ago... its double that if not more now :(
This is unfortunately what happens when the $ rate becomes unfavorable and the price of NAND increases.

RAM has been hit the hardest, as low as £25 for an 8GB kit 6 months ago... its double that if not more now :(

Damn. Makes sense as these were touted as going to be very reasonable back in December/January but now they are the same, if not more as other drives.

I guess i will continue the waiting game :p
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