Crucials new SSD! The M500! Pre-order for stock end of week!

AM was right about that seller doing them for £3xx... they were the 480GB model misadvertised as 960GB :p. And the £450 quoted in the manufacturers press release before the exchange rate change has now become £470.

The encryption thing in the AnandTech review sounds interesting if it can be made to work properly!
Stating SF as untrustable happened to be a boring old story. This was a wrong perception many had & is past. I simply say to my tech friends to try any of the latest SF based SSDs on your own before you state on a forum that you do not trust SF. I simply do not get influenced by following blog threads & do not postfor any commercial gain.

Good for you. I won't be using them again for a very long time.
Here is some benchmarks of the 480GB




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I have no information on either at the moment however as soon as I do there will be a new thread :)

Just wanted to give this thread a little bump and ask if there's any new news on the mSATA versions? I'm pretty keen to get my hands on one. :)
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