Crysis experimentings

I'm very much enjoying real lifesis. Runs almost as well as vanilla but looks great. Had to get rid of the ridiculous FOV blur, but after that it's great.

I love the FoV effect tbh. I think that it can make for some great screenshots too.

stupid question but any of these work on warhead?

I'm honestly not sure mate, I think that they do as crysis and warhead were pretty much the same game in terms of engine etc, but warhead just has some tweaks to optimise it :)

Here's the conclusion for anyone who can't be bothered to look onto the 1st page:


Note: Make sure you have the latest version of Crysis (patch 1.2) You'll know if you have it because there'll be a 'mods' tab in your main menu

I'm finally done :p

I've tried a whole load of different mods. The first number represents the visual benefit, 5 being highest, 1 no change. 2nd number represents the performance impact, 5 being a big performance increase, 1 being a huge decrease, 3 being no change.

Vanilla Crysis looks great. But if you're going to be playing it, please sacrifice 15-20 mins of your life to make it look amazing! Vanilla crysis simply doesn't fulfill the potential of the engine. There's 3 main places that the game falls down.

1. Lighting - realistic lighting is something that is distinctly lacking in crysis, yet when it's done correctly it can make it look so real. There's loads of different TOD configs (TimeOfDay), so just go out and try them! I would recommend real lifesis, it's just stunning.

2. Textures Certain textures in the game just aren't up to scratch. Need to grab the hi res foliage mod. If you have lots of Ram and/or GPU ram, then also get Rygel's texture mod, which adds some really great hi res textures.

3. Optimisation Let's face it: Crysis runs like a dog :p. Just grab yourself a config and it'll boost your framerates nicely. Should also improve visuals too. If you can run very high with reasonable fps, just grab yourself the extreme quality config. If you simply can't run very high, then there's plenty of other configs out there for lower spec systems.

If you've got the above, and still have a bit of system power to play with, then consider getting other mods as well.

I would recommend the extreme quality mod, but it changes gameplay very significantly, it's something that you'd probably want to play with after you've completed the game. I'll certainly be playing the whole game again with this mod as it's unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

I'm signing off now, my target is to make the best crysis screenshots I can :D

Rygel's Texture pack 4 2
Hi def foliage 5 3
Hi res grass 2 3
Custom Nano suit 3 3
Global ambient lighting 3 3
Extreme Quality Mod 4 2
Extreme quality config 3 4
Natural Mod 3 3
CCC Config 5 2
Real Lifesis 5 3
Xtreme particle chaos 4 3
Once installed, do these work for Warhead also?

I know that some of them do, certainly the autoexe configs (ie: extreme quality config) will work for warhead. Real lifesis might do too, but I'm not sure, I only have the original crysis.

Which mod is recommended on a first playthough and where do you get them? thanks

I tried google but there are thousands of mods.

Hi mate. you should try

Unfortunately they're renovating the website at the moment so the mod database is offline.

For a beginner, I'd recommend real lifesis, some sort of config (like extreme quality config) and hi res foliage.
For a beginner, I wouldn't recommend real lifesis, because it's tricky to install manually and there's no automated install anymore.

I suppose you're right mate. If someone was really struggling to install RealLifesis, then its sequel (RELI2) comes with an installer and that would be my next recommendation.

Thanks for your time and efforts OP, been looking for a good rundown of Crysis mods for a while.

No problem mate. It's aimed at many people such as yourself :D
Guys whats the best MOD for making the game look as photorealistic as possible and not affecting gameplay or reducing the fps dramatically? I really like the look of extreme quality mod but I don't like the fact that you die if you get hit once.

Photo realism - I think it's real lifesis or Reli2. Others will say different.
I've tried them and I didn't like them. They just seemed to make everything really bright which washed the colours out for me.

Did you use the configs that come with them? If you don't use the configs that come with them, then it makes it too bright. The configs tweak the lighting a bit to make them look their best :)
As I am planning a Crysis and Warhead replay before buying Crysis 2 (and now that I can hopefully play Crysis at 1920 x 1200 maxed out), this is exactly the type of Crysis Mods thread I was looking for. Many thanks TheCenturian, only just started it but it looks like really good work.

You're very welcome buddy :)

I did yeah. I use the .exe installer and the autoexec.

Hmm. That's strange, I've posted a few pics of real lifesis in threads such as the hi res screenshot thread. Does yours look brighter than mine?

For anyone who wants it, here is the high res foliage mod:
Not sure if anyone has had similar problems, but if I put the two texture PAK files from Rygels and HD foilage pack in my crysis/game folder, they don't appear to update in the game itself and it uses stock textures. Must be doing something wrong somewhere, perhaps a reinstall will fix it. Reallifesis working fine though, be nice to find an updated version of the depth of field though, set to 2 it's too much, and set to 1 only seems to work in iron sight view.

PS thanks to Centurion for linking the HD foilage mod :D

I have the same problem, not sure why, and thanks Centurion!
Now I just need to get it working. :)

Here's the solution to get foliage and rygels working together:

1. Open rygel's textureupdate1 using winrar, also open the hi res foliage pak in winrar.

2. In the Hi res foliage pack, navigate the folders, until you get to the folder which contains folders like bush, trees etc

3. Navigate through these on rygel's texture update 1 too. (it's the same folders you navigate through.

4. Now, look at the folders that the two paks have in common. Delete the common folders from Rygel's pak.

Problem solved. The problem is created because both texture paks contain new foliage textures :)
Sorry, did you say the Extreme Quality Mod disables the nanosuit? that would kind of ruin the gameplay for me :confused:

It does, or at least it did. But instead of the nanosuit, you get slow motion.

The guy who made it has now renamed it to Extreme Immersion Mod and I think that in the new versions, the nanosuit still works :)

Does anyone have any links for lifesis or ccc oncfig or hi res foliage that work? I cannot d/l anything form Guru3d and no other links form google are working!

And the hi res foliage link has been posted in this thread, just up the page ^^^
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