Crysis Screenshots vs Photos

To be honest theres only 1 screenie that looks close to the real life counterpart and thats the beach one which is only ruined by the rocks on the left back of the picture. Others are nice enough but not that close to realism yet. Lighting and variety in vegetation isnt quite there yet.
SkeeterPSA said:
To be honest theres only 1 screenie that looks close to the real life counterpart and thats the beach one which is only ruined by the rocks on the left back of the picture. Others are nice enough but not that close to realism yet. Lighting and variety in vegetation isnt quite there yet.
Now you're just splitting hairs.

For a computer game they are very real!
this is going to have some insane requirements for running maxed out at high res, i mean 4gb of ram, SLI 8900GTX or whatever, quad core etc.
tomanders91 said:
this is going to have some insane requirements for running maxed out at high res, i mean 4gb of ram, SLI 8900GTX or whatever, quad core etc.
they said that even if you have top spec now (ie what you said) max will bring it to its knees and then theres more settings that are going to be hidden that will be for future PCs
alexisonfire said:
Am i the only one that thinks this one looks better than the photograph? :p


It took me at least 10 seconds to work out which one of those was the real one.

I hope that doesn't say more about me than the picture :p

These shots are incredible!
ok...this is madness really... Do developers all get sent beta copies of nvidia 8900s cards or something? Its fair enough them wanting to showcase the game looking at its best but its best should be something based on CURRENT technology not some 4 gig quad core 8900 monster that no-one in the world has!

I mean who has this kind of pc? put your hand up.. ohh look no-one so its false advertising....

they said that even if you have top spec now (ie what you said) max will bring it to its knees

no, all that really means is their game is poorly coded.... :p j/k

edit: its the farcry devs so nothing to worry about. Should scale well with both low end and high end (and future!) machines. ...hrmm interesting.
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Surfer said:
ok...this is madness really... Do developers all get sent beta copies of nvidia 8900s cards or something? Its fair enough them wanting to showcase the game looking at its best but its best should be something based on CURRENT technology not some 4 gig quad core 8900 monster that no-one in the world has!

I mean who has this kind of pc? put your hand up.. ohh look no-one so its false advertising....

no, all that really means is their game is poorly coded.... :p
Just kidding..seems they are actually the opposite. Coded their game that will scale to both old and new machines and future machines as well (ie will introduce new graphical elements only for the future machines). Interesting...

(reads other crysis thread)edit: hrmm actually this is the Farcry devs so this will prolly still look sweet on a lowend rig so no worries. The minimum hardware reqs are a bit worrying though... 2 GIG memory jeez!

Calm down dear its only a commercial.

The screenshots look unbelievably real. Really cannot wait any longer.
You must remember :

All this is just an engine, that might run for 6+ years (quake 3 engine is still in use now) so they need it to be capable of effects expected in the future. Its inevitable Crysis (the game) will NOT look this good, no one will be able to run it.
All these shots are amazing, but the colours are what give it away. It would be better to compare with some higher resolution images as well.
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