CS:GO Discussion

Theres no eagles on this list, your a pioneer

Silver 1 -> Silver Master Elite
jrwagh333 -- SwaggyWaggy - Swag Elite -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000966687
cuffylad -- cuffy -- Silver 2 --- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050249471
NvidiaDan -- [OCuK] Dannnn -- silver 4-- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dannnnuk/
Jony27 -- jony_bobo -- Silver elite Master -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jony_bobo
Jordan711 -- Jordan -- Silver Elite -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031028790/

Gold Nova 1 -> Gold Nova Master
silversurfer -- SabreTT -- Gold Nova (something) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/SabreTT
joelk2 -- joelk2666 -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/joelk2666/
robbobloke -- robbo -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrobbo
Jester* -- Jester** -- Gold Nova 4 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/jester1986
HybridX -- Hybridxs -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/hybridxs
N/A Hybrids Friend -- Sarge-- Gold Nova 2
ED209 -- ED209 -- Gold Nova 1 - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197966896481/
rjkoneill -- rjkoneill -- Gold Nova 3 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/rjkoneill/
Nah -- nah -- Gold Nova 2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/nah-uk/
Woogie -- Woogieuk -- GN4 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/woogieuk/
Adam -- MyFriendDoc -- GN1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170405770/

Master Guardian 1 -> Distinguished Master Guardian
Banksy IV -- Banksy IV -- MG1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029495792/
The__Malteser -- ✪♛ NiKMic ♛✪ -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/NiKMic/
Stument -- Stuu ッ -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/stument
MoDe -- m0de -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG1) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975604863
IC3 -- IC3 -- Distinguished Master Guardian (DMG) -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045759768/
Cookeh -- Cookeh -- CT Global / T Silver 1 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cookeh_/
TWST -- MGE/DMG -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/TwsTy/
Neodite -- neoDite -- Master Gaurdian 1 (MG2) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/neoditecs
Disco Boy -- Disco You -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078236980
ruffneck -- carl -- Master Guardian Elite (MGE) -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/carlisleet
adamwri -- my name sparr0w -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/sparr0wplays
bJN -- 5R -- MGE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/bnjn
JGStonedRaider - Raider - DMG - http://steamcommunity.com/id/JSRaider/
Trox -- Trox -- MG2 -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/knightrox

Legendary Eagle -> Legendary Eagle Master
Wink -- Wardie - Eagle+ -- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197963345836/

Supreme Master First Class -> The Global Elite
Kemistry -- kemistry -- GE -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/dealio

Other details:
OcUK CS Group (not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ocukcsgo
ClutchOr!Kick (OCUK CS Groups, not really used): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ClutchOrKick_CoK
Unofficial OCUK TS Server (mostly used):
Official OCUK TS Server (not really used):

Basic tips list - https://t.co/3PYcpL40hj
Inferno smokes - http://t.co/0bpWoAiYB9
Mirage smokes - https://t.co/qrSmMc2U6h
Tip videos - http://t.co/qEJVl4DUId


I'm LEM/Supreme not Eagle, just didn't want anyone lower than that to play with lol :D
Got DMG back in December, haven't rly played MM since. Probably around LEM now if I kept playing MM but ESEA has so much better servers, a decent anti cheat and proper comp timers <3
I've been having an issue with CS:GO lately. My game sound keeps stopping mid game and the only way to get it back is to restart the game. It's not happening every match and maybe not everyday, but my only option is to either play with no sound, or leave the match for a round or two...

Any ideas? If I close the game sound works with everything else and once I relaunch CS the sound is back.
Got DMG back in December, haven't rly played MM since. Probably around LEM now if I kept playing MM but ESEA has so much better servers, a decent anti cheat and proper comp timers <3
I got commended on how well I played when playing esea yesterday. I came 3rd on our team with 23 frags.
Well done Dan, looked a quick game

PSA: You can still get a mission reward for the mission you had still active when the operation finished.

I only had 1 mission left, 30 casual dust2 kills. I bet nip to beat fnatic, still a 50/50 thing ? no train yet :o
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Anyone got a esea free trial code? Want to give it a try. Thanks!!!

Don't bother. I got a free 1 week code like 2 weeks ago. Didn't see anything special in it. To be fair, I played like 4 or 5 games total, so I don't have a huge sample to judge, but it was identical to MM for me. I'd go as far as saying that the team mates were worse. They all felt entitled and all felt that they were amazing players and therefore refused to help out the team.

Then again, as others have said, it is relatively cheap, but I still can't see what makes it so much better than MM.
Don't bother. I got a free 1 week code like 2 weeks ago. Didn't see anything special in it. To be fair, I played like 4 or 5 games total, so I don't have a huge sample to judge, but it was identical to MM for me. I'd go as far as saying that the team mates were worse. They all felt entitled and all felt that they were amazing players and therefore refused to help out the team.

Then again, as others have said, it is relatively cheap, but I still can't see what makes it so much better than MM.

This is pretty much what I thought of faceit, all wannabees and nearly 0 teamwork.

MM generally has been fine for me, although the trollers and suspected cheaters seems to be on the rise so mainly looking to ESEA for the hope their anti cheat is good enough to keep it fair and to play on 128 tick as I feel the MM servers haven't been quite right lately.

Will give it a month and if its no good then back to MM, Think I'm now 1 good win away from DMG.

Would love to find a group of regulars to play with but because I do shift work most of my play time is during the day when not many other people are on.
Don't bother. I got a free 1 week code like 2 weeks ago. Didn't see anything special in it. To be fair, I played like 4 or 5 games total, so I don't have a huge sample to judge, but it was identical to MM for me. I'd go as far as saying that the team mates were worse. They all felt entitled and all felt that they were amazing players and therefore refused to help out the team.

Then again, as others have said, it is relatively cheap, but I still can't see what makes it so much better than MM.

Perfectly sums up ESEA.

Those that BUM ESEA, well I think we know what type if people they are.
This is pretty much what I thought of faceit, all wannabees and nearly 0 teamwork.

MM generally has been fine for me, although the trollers and suspected cheaters seems to be on the rise so mainly looking to ESEA for the hope their anti cheat is good enough to keep it fair and to play on 128 tick as I feel the MM servers haven't been quite right lately.

Will give it a month and if its no good then back to MM, Think I'm now 1 good win away from DMG.

Would love to find a group of regulars to play with but because I do shift work most of my play time is during the day when not many other people are on.
It's not all bad mind you. You can find some good players and some good games. THere is a reason it is so popular.

But don't expect it to be the holy grail of CS. Too many people make it out to be some majestic service which has no downsides at all. As I said, it is popular for a reason.

The main downside with faceit for me was that it is too one sided. You either stomp get stomped. There are nearly never any close games. Plus it takes ages for everyone to join and stuff like that. I do like the veto system in FACEIT though.

I've been playing quite a bit recently (really need to get back to work...) and the number of suspected cheaters is going up unfortunately, and so do smurfs. I don't think ESEA can fix the smurfs thing though. I mean, if you play against a GE ESEA it's all legal. ESEA doesn't have a real rank system so you can get matched with anyone (well it does, but due to the small pool of players playing, you will be matched with people who can be 2/3 ranks higher than you, which is a huge jump). The number of hackers has gone from like 1 in 10 games to 1 in 7 games. Still very manageable. And even then, I don't mind it too much. I treat it like I'm playing DM or something...practice. You still find hackers in ESEA. ESEA has a page of people they are banning.

I don't think ESEA is bad in any way mind you. I just think that it is another MM. Like literally the same thing as MM with a few differences here and there. While ESEA provides 128 tick and a better anti-cheat, it comes at a cost. MM provides 64 tick, half decent anti cheat but a larger pool of players, quick matchmaking, and a mixed pool of potential players, but all for free. Personally, I'd rather stick to MM and use the ESEA money to buy other stuff.

EDIT:Also forgot to add. Feel free to add me. I'm a DMG who is aiming to get LE. I played quite bad yesterday, so I'm around mid-DMG now. Got a bunch of MGE/DMG mates to party up with.
Perfectly sums up ESEA.

Those that BUM ESEA, well I think we know what type if people they are.

Can't put them all in one basket, but I do think that the general consensus of people is that they think too highly about ESEA. Then again, those are the people who blame their lack of skill on 64 tick, lag, cs go hitboxes and such.
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