CS:GO Discussion

Great idea as someone must have copied old one as I was back at gn2.

Ranked up to MG2 today on a draw, having a good day with around 30 kills on most maps even when team lost.

its not a locked sheet anyways so people can update their ranks as they please.

plus if people want to add their smurfs to it aswell they can
I'm pretty sure you actually see slightly more of the field with a widescreen resolution. Can't remember what tournament it was, but the commentators actually saw the enemy on their resolution, but the player was using 1024 and missed them which resulted in them losing the round.

You do. The only time I've seen this commented on by the commentators was the boost at DH with olofmeister on Overpass, but they utterly destroyed the other team regardless.
I might buy cartel, does that render ok on low settings. I play at 1280x1024 with stretch because I always played cs on crt I think it works.

There is a point that 4:3 gives less picture then 16:9 so you can be sneaked up on more easily but its not normally an issue vs just fast headshots on the crosshair.


I did see a picture of a 3 monitor setup. Dont think that would be a positive, on a slower less focused game yea. Maybe OLED with seamless borders and a curved screen some time in future for now less is more

The player list gets copy pasted, people should quote and edit but they dont! hence long links go bad, etc

wigg_esea said:
Bot Nightbot: CW low, x6, envyus LOW, gplay, penta, Envyus(tsm might win but play odds, go underdog), atlantis, navi(on mirage, they should win), rock low(they always play volgare good), x6 winner over ducks, penta, tsm/navi(wait for odds, go underdog), g2, skip both balkan matches.
Elevate owning at the moment with hiko and skadoodle. They should beat denial and I guess I back clg to win overall though odds will be bad
Betting on scream shortly rekt :(, envy probably shouldnt win if fnatic are full strength. fxfire are good underdogs but only low bet as elige probably wins it
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1024 too pixelated for me. Grats on the LE :)
I use to play 640x480 and 800x600 as I was decent with awp :p I can't say the same its the same with CS:GO as the broke that weapon totally...
I'm pretty sure you actually see slightly more of the field with a widescreen resolution. Can't remember what tournament it was, but the commentators actually saw the enemy on their resolution, but the player was using 1024 and missed them which resulted in them losing the round.
You do

1080p everything on highest/max settings
You get distracted to easily when the game is on the highest, you should never set everything on highest in FPS competitive games such as CS. I even set everything to lower settings in BF3 whilst playing competitive, they said I had wh because I could see them camping in bushes where normally I wouldn't be able to notice them with everything on highest... :rolleyes:
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Get distracted when the game is on high settings? I mean really? CS isnt exactly a pretty game with tonnes of high res imagery or landscapes, is it. High settings in CS are also advantageous, as it draws shadows from a greater distance - which means, of course, you can see an enemy round a corner earlier...better chance of a prefire, or just being able to react faster. I'd love to know how that is a bad thing.
I have shadows and shaders on high, rest left on low. High shadows so I can see the shadows earlier around corners, and shaders to make my m9 fade look awesome :D
And expect a bit of another market crash, new chroma 2 case in the new update.

Can it get any worse!! Glad I sold a load of my stuff yesterday now and somehow only lost about £3 on my tiger tooth gut.

I do however really like a lot of the new skins.
On my wishlist is that ak, five7, ump! That awp is damn nice aswell! Good case!

Not quite sure on that m4, like you say it looks too busy like the dragon king.
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Well the answer to the crash question is yes it can get worse.
Ft st ak redline gone from £32 to £27 yesterday to £17 today!
Ft st m4 cyrex gone from £82 to £70 to £57
MW ST awp redline from £52 to £40 to £32

Gonna have to sit tight now on what i have till the prices slowly rise again.

Glad im not a big trader with a massive inventory and glad i managed to sell my fire serpant in time aswell.
Damn gta v (even though i did buy this yesterday after selling my tiger tooth!) and new cases!

Oh and yeah same here only had 2 chroma cases drop!
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Since ranking up to GN1 I am on a 6 match losing streak, I have top fragged in 4 of those matches and 2nd in the other 2. How I have not deranked I dont know?

3 of these games had major jerks who TK'd or just ran around till they got killed, they said in chat they wanted to lose and derank!

Another game had 2 guys that just ran around with knifes only the whole match!

I really need to play only in premades!
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