CS:S Tonight?

Davies said:

Yea I should be on tonite.

And Toomas/Davies could you please get back to me about that admin thing
as i sent you and Email quite a while ago.

Had a good blast on it earlier.
Got annoyed when the awp was banned on italy. It wasn't used the whole game, i picked it up off someone, killed 3 people and it was banned. Apparently because I was camping as T's on italy with an awp... lol, T's are defending an objective on italy, so 'camping' is what you do.

besides that fact I had, had the awp for less than a minute, and had been using an Mp5 for the last 2 maps.
Nucleo said:
Had a good blast on it earlier.
Got annoyed when the awp was banned on italy. It wasn't used the whole game, i picked it up off someone, killed 3 people and it was banned. Apparently because I was camping as T's on italy with an awp... lol, T's are defending an objective on italy, so 'camping' is what you do.

besides that fact I had, had the awp for less than a minute, and had been using an Mp5 for the last 2 maps.

Sorry dewd. Everyone was complaining though (well, 6 of 8 people). It's back on now though.
You shouldn't have banned the awp just because he was more successful with it than its previous owner.

There is only one weapon in the game that should be banned and thats the auto sniper. That weapon is just plain evil. Bang, you missed, so what? BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG.... :D

Nucleo said:
Had a good blast on it earlier.
Got annoyed when the awp was banned on italy. It wasn't used the whole game, i picked it up off someone, killed 3 people and it was banned. Apparently because I was camping as T's on italy with an awp... lol, T's are defending an objective on italy, so 'camping' is what you do.

besides that fact I had, had the awp for less than a minute, and had been using an Mp5 for the last 2 maps.

man you still moaning? :D
not moaning, just the principle behind it, and the reason in the first place.

"OMG, He killed 3 pplz... OMG BAN IT...OMG OMG OMG"

while i was still in that round, after the second kill, my m8 in TS started p***** himself laughing after watching a load of people asking for ban.
Do you guys have a server that you all connect to?

Also I have not played much CS, and am pretty pants at it... is there any servers for the beginners to connect to..as I rarely get to fire my gun Im killed so quick on some servers.
bagman76 said:
Do you guys have a server that you all connect to?

Also I have not played much CS, and am pretty pants at it... is there any servers for the beginners to connect to..as I rarely get to fire my gun Im killed so quick on some servers.

Add this ip address to your favourites list:

That's '[Toomas] OcUK - British CS:S [75tik]' server, frequented by OcUK peeps :). Leave a msg here when you fancy a game and i'll help you out :).
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