CS:S Tonight?

sorry ive been busy recently so havnt been playing or working on the server..

seems the fun aim maps etc arnt that popular so when i get a moment ill take them out the rotation.

when an admin is there remember you can use rockthevote to change map

- on that note am i looking for another admin, so you if are one of the players who come on most nites make yourself known! im only looking for someone to keep things under control if myself or nick are not there.

going to upgrade the server to 100 tick this week and also add a few more player slots.. your comments are welcome.
if anyone feels like contributing anything to the server - then i could do with some wedesign / coding help. trying to get a small site up to go with the server with updates, map packs etc.. please need help people.. add me to msn or leave a post here or something
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