An online version is available here - cheaper than classroom based iirc:
the trainee is writing the RAMS? That explains a lot. Pretty sure CDM legislation requires appropriately qualified people to prepare the documents. Funny how that gets interpreted in reality.I'll see what they say about what card I should apply for and maybe just give the h&s test a go. Been writing RAMS for a couple of years now and just done h&s/CDM in college.
the trainee is writing the RAMS? That explains a lot. Pretty sure CDM legislation requires appropriately qualified people to prepare the documents. Funny how that gets interpreted in reality.
Theres a fire on site, what do you you do:
A) Knock off early, theres no point staying for the afternoon
B) Grab some sticks and send your mate to the corner shop for marshmellows
C) Sound the fire alarm and evacuate to the official muster point
D) Film it for facebook while the site labourers kick paint cans into it
There was a quite ridiculous question about a swan, will see if I can find it......
its all a money making scam end of the day
a highly trained retarded chimp could could pass the exam example project managers , site formen , and plasterers
someone suggested to me that it had been set up to try and add a block to people with poor English comprehension skills rather than safety concerns. The ease with which you can pass it suggests this might be the case. Now pass me that cable while I stand in this here water will you? No, it'll be fine. It's blue so it means it's ok to use near water.
Yeah it is. Some of our trades have to have NVQs as well. So that involves someone who is unable to do the work signing them off as competent to do the job. It's about £1000 as well!