Custom Parvum R1 <<<<<< Kinetic Energy >>>>>>

18 Jan 2014
United Kingdom

Firstly i'd like to thank my sponsor's for coming forward and for the help in making this build possible. Samsung, Darkside, Parvum Systems and Watercool

This is my 2nd build log on overclockersUK
Just a little bit about me, i suffered a work accident that left me paralysed and a blood clot on the spine, i was told i probably wont walk again, but through lots of effort im now back on my feet albeit
problems walking any sort of distance. Ive met some amazing people on the way and have become friends with someone who's son suffers from Spina Bifida, they haven't a lot of money
so i decided to give him my Previous Parvum Build, which i previously built not that long ago, which is why im doing a new build. Now im supporting this charity, im going to give my builds away so they
can raise money for these kids in there community auctions/raffles and also one of the kids will get the PC, all of which comes out of my own money, so one it gives me a hobby
and two it goes to a good cause.
i'd like to be able to do a couple builds a year but it depends on funds as it takes a little while to save up, plus i can use the PC until i can get the funds for the next one.

This is going to be my first Acyrlic tube build aswell so it will be great learning curve.
i hope you will follow me on this journey and i hope to learn from the overclockersUK community as a whole.

Also i want to say a massive thanks to the Parvum boys ( Justin and Shaun ) Everytime ive gone down to their HQ to update my Design they have always made me feel welcome, and its nice
to sit and chat to hear their plans of what is coming up in the Parvum World.


  • Case: Custom Design Parvum R1.0
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 5820k
  • MB: Evga Micro V2 X99
  • GPU: Nvidia Titan X pascal
  • RAM: Corsair 16GB Dominator Platinum DDR4
  • PSU: Silverstone 1000w Platinum
  • HD: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
  • SSD: 1x Samsung 500gb 845dc evo ssd O/S..
  • SSD: 2x Samsung 500gb 850 evo ssd...........
  • Samsung 950 Pro 256GB M.2 NVMe O/S

Water Cooling:

  • 1x HEATKILLER® IV PRO clear with Hardwareluxx edition top
  • 2x HEATKILLER® IV XL for Titan X Pascal - ACRYL Ni with Back-plate
  • 1x Watercool D5
  • 2x Hwlabs 360mm Rad
  • Mayhems coolant ( not sure what colour yet )
  • Fittings Bitspower
  • Acrylic tube 12mm OD
  • Aquaero 6XT ......




  • Darkside LED White Strips 12cm x 4
  • Aquacomputer Splitty9

Im still saving for the Hardware but will update when i get these in.

Case Renders

This may change as im still designing the pass-through plate and also a Front Res. Expect lots of lines and angles. Below is a rough idea of where i'm heading.


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The case renders look amazing Mads, really looking forward to this build. Also good luck with your longer term charity goals. I think that's an amazing ambition you have there and please keep us updated on that side as well as the build progress. Good luck buddy!

Thank-you Luggs.
Tbh, this is probably the best justification for a build log I've read to date. Sounds like you are getting some support from companies, but I wonder if there are other companies who could help by supplying some of the kit?

Not sure on your financial situation, so it may be that this is not a major factor.

Either way, sounds like a solid build and certainly the cause is worth the squeeze!

Thanks for the message, no im not getting any help at all, all coming out of my pocket, id love to be able to say otherwise and it would def help me out. :D
Great case and great causes and reasons. Parvum builds are awesome, I look forward to seeing this.

Thanks, i hope i do the case justice. :)

great cause, really hope some of the good reps on here see this and offer to sponsor some of the build :)

I doubt it some how, but it would help, i pretty much need everything at the moment, Parvum have been really good for me, i was in and out of hospital and change the design a few times before i settled on this one, so top marks to them for understanding. :)

That case looks very nice, like most of Paravums cases. Looking forward to this, more so as its for a really good reason.

Thank-you for your kind words. :)
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If that turns out even half as good as the renders she's gonna be a beaut, and with a cracking list of components inside too! Fair play with your charity work mate, hopefully a few of the component manufactures see this as send a few samples your way to ease the financial burden of the build. They get good publicity, you get less strain on the o'l bank balance and a lucky kid gets one awesome PC, it'd be a WIN WIN WIN :D

Thank you for the comments. :)
Like the looks of the case, I'm very drawn to grey at the moment dunno why...probably playing warships too much !

Res placement win win !!

Thanks, yes i play warships to, also had a quick go of The Division today and its not bad. With the case i hope to have actual pics of very soon, Also need to get some more hardware, just a little more saving to do yet :D
<<<< UPDATE >>>>

SSD's arrived, so decided to do some covers for them.



Not sure what design i will pick but prob the blue & pink if i go with UV Clear Blue coolant.
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Just a little Update, im still waiting on my case, and also my Aquaero 6xt so we can measure it up for the cut out needed, also i got a few fans, im still needing a couple more but im getting there slowly, im also going to mod a custom i/o bracket for the motherboard out of acyrlic and maybe light it up but im still looking into that at the moment. Anyway here is a couple of pics of the fans.










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Log Update


Sorry for lack of updates, im waiting for the case still which will be another couple of weeks away as we made a few changes, which i can't wait to share to you all, Also money has been tight and i'm still getting the Hardware together, but i did get a few bits of Hardware so thought i'd do a few pics.










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3200mhz mems working on this board?? Really not sure about your choice!! Maybe!! But not for sure.

Thanks for the input ian, im not sure without testing it tbh, may have to have a re-think then. What mem in the corsair dom plat would you suggest.
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I love Parvum cases so much ! Cant wait to see it come to life. I just ordered an M1 with a few tweaks my self should be with me in say 4 weeks!

I know sometimes you can wait abit longer than expected for Parvum Case's, but its so worth it, also any problems you have , a quick email to the guy's and its sorted, top service. :)
I love the look of the Parvum cases too, and the wait is definitely worth it. They are a bit busy at the moment however as my L1 case is 2 months since ordering and counting as of tomorrow...

Im sure it won't be to much longer of a wait, and yes there always busy, there is a big demand for their case's and to right. :)
Mads1 did you get to the point of testing this ram kit with the mobo?
It is listed on the EVGA website as being compatible but wondered if you'd got around to trying it yet?
I ask as my finger is hovering over the trigger of this board and ram combination.

Not yet no, im still trying to get hold of a 5820k or 6800k, they are just silly prices at the moment. :(
Love that res.

Can anyone contact Parvum and ask for a res like this? I have an S2.0 and would love my rest to be ontop like this.


Yes mate, just get in contact with them, im sure they will do something for you. :)
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