Custom Spec OcUK build

Sorry, but that desk is just too clean. :p

No bits of paper, loose screws, TIM stains, biscuit crumbs......

or is that just me?

See, after years of that sort of thing, I'm a bit tired of it now :D
My desk currently has so much paperwork and so many used mugs and biscuit packets on it that the mugs obscure the screen and my macro keys are buried under paper :p

And then of course there's the drum sticks, the gameboy, the laptop batteries and the random pc parts and crap :p

I need to tidy up :o
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Desk is from Ikea and is the following for easy searching:

Took me about 15 minutes to make on my own, so was pleased with that lol. I wanted a desk that isn't too shallow in depth but then also not stupidly wide or have a glass top that adds unnecessary weight/shows marks!

Thanks :)
Sadly due to a massive error by DPD, I won't be getting my actual base unit until monday now -.- I've had to pay one of the sales team to accept the parcel for me and make sure it gets to my room intact. So deflating when OcUK do everything they can to give you a good experience and as soon as it leaves their hands, the courier messes it up.

Just my luck!
same happened to me, but was worth it in the end buddy

and that cherry keyboard is great, had one from them for many years, at least 8 maybe more, will last forever
Yeah that was the logic behind getting it. Figured that seen as cherry make all of the mechanical switches anyway for keyboards, I might as well just buy one of their products. Feels quite nice to type on and I quite like the sound it makes also when typing, yet I can't try it out properly yet until the base unit turns up!
well mine got so grubby after so many years of use, but being mechanical it just keeps on going, it will last my new build out and won't get replaced unless i wear down the letters on the KB :) well worth the extra, as i've had 8 gaming rigs on same KB
I had a corsair K90 with my old PC which I quite liked, this this feels better to type on as the finish on the keys themselves feels smoother whilst the K90 seems to grip the tips of your fingers lol. Hard to explain, but definitely a difference!

The only thing I've had a play around with so far is the speakers and they sound really good, especially considering theres no subwoofer outside of the speakers themselves. Appears they are just right for having good clear sound, but not really ******* the neighbours off at the same time.
i use headphones, as it's in the bedroom atm, but are just building or well converting a 24x24 summer house into a gaming room, boarded the walls and insulated them, going to plaster them next week, paint and skirting, carpet and it's ready to move in, all i'll need is a fridge and i'll be home, got a wood burner, lights, cable tv and internet there, no water, but did think about it :)

will take some photo's and you can have a laugh, will upload them later
Ran the tomb raider benchmark before work this morning on max everything, minus the tresfx option and scored over 90fps at stock everything :D crysis 3 also works great on the highest settings apart from too much AA
Yeah could do with a few hints and tips as I want to keep my ram at as close to its rated speed (2400mhz) as possible whilst also pushing the CPU to a stable 24/7 overclock. So far I've either done 1 or the other, but can't seem to get both to work at the same time lol. Must be a trick im missing here.
Ive had a lot of problems with the ud3 and also the ud5. I found that the board would only read 11.8v insted of 12v and created a lot of stabability issues due to there poor voltage regulation. Not to mantion vdroop was massive even with LLC on :o

Good job you stayed clear :)
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