Customer Has Male Body Part Microwaved

penski said:
Hint: The doctor was qualified.

Second hint: it wasn't done on the NHS.

Third hint: it wasn't done during office hours.

At the end of the day, if someone wants to change a part of their body then I'm all for that - let anyone do whatever they wish as long as it is not to the detriment of others.

Stop people doing that and the next thing anyone knows, I'll be locked up for playing with hypodermics for thrills ;)

Sorry but I would question the sanity of someone that would want to mutilate themselves in such a way. I'm sure there are better ways to deal with aggression that don't involve removing any body parts.
Psyk said:
Sorry but I would question the sanity of someone that would want to mutilate themselves in such a way. I'm sure there are better ways to deal with aggression that don't involve removing any body parts.

I question the sanity of people who buy new cars...Swings and roundabouts.

Are different forms of 'mutilation' acceptable to you?

penski said:
Reasons vary, none are 'to become a laaaaaaaydeee'. :p

Two became eunuchs to lower their testosterone, become less aggressive and nicer people. It worked, they're lovely people.

And apparantly, it does help with business focus. A lot.

Ok, that I can understand...

But having your schlonky removed even though you still want to remain a guy?!? That's properly odd. What does he do for sexual gratification?
Him and his wife still have a great sex life (apparantly)

And he doesn't want to be a woman. None of them do.

They're just men without testes (or a penis)

penski said:
Him and his wife still have a great sex life (apparantly)

And he doesn't want to be a woman. None of them do.

They're just men without testes (or a penis)


lol this thread is so messed up its off the scale.... i dont understand the simple physics of this reply.... nor do i want to really :D
DJammyRasta said:
lol this thread is so messed up its off the scale.... i dont understand the simple physics of this reply.... nor do i want to really :D

simple question: can lesbians have sex?

penski said:
simple question: can lesbians have sex?

Yea, they can use tongues/fingers/toys/whatever to stimulate their partner's sexual organs. Same way that gay chaps can use whatever to stimulate each other's penis or stick their penis wherever gives them plesure.

But how does a guy who's had his penis removed get stimulation to the point of orgasm, or any other kind of genital stimulation, without his wife doing him!?

I'm not saying that it's wrong or disgusting or anything, I just don't really get it... :confused:
Visage said:
Cue dreamy music....

"This isnt *just* penis. This is the finest, marinaded, on a bed of wild rice in a port sauce....this isnt just butchery, this is M&S butchery'

LOL i love the cbeebies spoof of the M+S advert :D
penski said:
I question the sanity of people who buy new cars...Swings and roundabouts.

Are different forms of 'mutilation' acceptable to you?

It's just the natural scale of different peoples feelings.

I've had a PA done and I'm sure some people on here would just not be able to understand why I would want to do something like that, no matter how much I tried to explain it.

A friend of mine has had serious metalwork down there and penile beading, branding in the area and scarification elsewhere, I can understand that even if I don't want to do all of it myself.

But I can't possibly imagine a reason strong enough to make me want to become a eunuch, I just can't get my head around the why. I don't think anything bad of your friends I just cannot understand their choice, I imagine it's the same with others here.
Jagen said:
A friend of mine has had serious metalwork down there and penile beading, branding in the area and scarification elsewhere, I can understand that even if I don't want to do all of it myself.

...Do I know you? :p

*n (beads pwn)
Melm0 said:
LOL i love the cbeebies spoof of the M+S advert :D

They say "This isnt *just* penis. This is the finest, marinaded, on a bed of wild rice in a port sauce....this isnt just butchery, this is M&S butchery' on CBebbies???

Kids these days....
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