*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Funny you say that...as ive not long built a new High End PC to play this (among other games as well)....but in the past never really thought much about audio except my standard PC speakers; but I recently thought id show the audio some love and bought and IFI DAC and AMP Stack along with some Sennheiser HD58x Headphones to run my PC Audio and that trailer's Audio literally gave me shivers...cant remember that last time a trailer did that....cant wait to play it.

I've been saying it for years! All these people buying surround gaming headphones and speakers and soundcards etc when the real deal of true audio fidelity can be had from simply 2 full range speakers (or proper headphones) and a dedicated DAC/amp!

I've had this sort of setup ever since getting rid of the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz back in the day and have since never ever looked back :cool:
Oh my word, so the dumb bint from Gamespot who gave it a weak review because she didn't actually play any of the damn game? It's the same idiot who complained there was too much water in Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire
I have a 3090 on the pc I work on. I have a 2080ti gaming pc hooked up to my C9 oled..

I much rather play on my TV. I just hope 2080to performance will be ok.. 4K Dlss low ray tracing maybe? Or I'll be content with 1440p.

I'd swap those cards over. I have a CX48 as my monitor and although my old 2080ti was ok, my 3080 with full 4k 120hz HDR 10bit is joyous!
So close now!

Anyone have any idea how 'consolified' the controls for this will be? I have really been turned off of GTAV and RDR2 because of the console nature of the controls on the PC, rather than being traditional PC FPS controls.

It's the only thing preventing me from giving this a go and booking extra time off over Christmas to get stuck right in, I just can't stand console style controls and input lag (watching animations etc.) when playing a PC game....
Anyone have any idea how 'consolified' the controls for this will be? I have really been turned off of GTAV and RDR2 because of the console nature of the controls on the PC, rather than being traditional PC FPS controls.

It's the only thing preventing me from giving this a go and booking extra time off over Christmas to get stuck right in, I just can't stand console style controls and input lag (watching animations etc.) when playing a PC game....

Yeah indeed something I'm closely watching as well but not many people seem to care :(

GTA V was nasty because of it - even the mouse had low vertical sensitivity and high horizontal sensitivity with no way to adjust it so a circular motion of the mouse physically made an oval shape in game :( I won't even bother with it if it is like that.
So as hoped and expected from the reviews, looks like the great game I was hoping for but with the expected bugs and performance issues on launch. This is why I normally do not play games on launch anymore. Excited for this game but tempted to leave it for a few weeks to iron out the major bugs, but that is going to be hard to do...

Honestly, if I have the same experience I had with Fallout 3 I will be extremely happy and that had a ton of bugs. I wouldnt hold too much on it. Buy it, drink it in and enjoy
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