*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Think Cohh was on earlier driers during the tutorial and has just updated. Performance seemed to be fine before. But he thinks it is running much better with the new drivers, for what it's worth.

Sounds good, I had a quick look at his stream before just for a minute to see what the graphics was like, but I dont want any spoilers so I didnt stick around.
Who knows LOL
Bit of a doo-doo if they say 00:01 release then "erm, well you have another 1 hour to wait so we can patch your game".

I will be leaving my PC overnight.

59GB patch should only take me 15 mins :p but agreed should hope they allow a preload of the patch for those less fortunate with internet speeds.

Exactly, for those of us that can't get faster internet connections than circa 40Mbps it'll be a royal PITA if it happens this way...
Caved in & got the game. Was waiting to see was a clusterbomb this maybe at first, but for £20 why not bitch online with everyone else at release time. Fast download on server though. Maxing out my 500 meg near enough.
Ordered via gog.com for myself, and got a copy coming tomorrow for my stepdad, although when he's out of hospital. Be a nice little present for him.

Been an expensive week so far!
The day 0 or day 1 final version isn't out until 5pm in America, midnight UK time. Its still the prerelease version everyone else is playing.
If you have employees working full time on a project for 8 years there comes point where you just have to cut it lose. How long more do you think they needed? How much more money would they have wasted?
I didn't say I think they should delay it. I said I think it's being released before the Dev's would want it to be released.

Only time will tell if it's a good decision or not.
Decided ages ago that I would wait a few weeks for the major bugs and performance issues to be fixed, I wasn't even going to buy it yet. But then I did, and now, and that big purple 'Play' button is there, and Johnny says: 'Go back to sleep Samurai, it's not December 10th yet.'
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