*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

What part did you get up to? I know a lot of people gave up before leaving the starting area as there isn't much going on during that time.

As for Cyberpunk, people crying about a tiny window of crunch time is just media grab, it's MUCH better than Witcher 3's crunch time so I'm glad the delays paid off in that respect. I'm very excited for the release! I just hope my Asus Strix 3090 OC arrives before the game :D

I did lots of side quests and main quests, got to character lvl15 or there abouts. Got to the big city, can't remember the name. Fought the big Wyverns, went around the map unlocking all the extras etc. Did the Baron mission quests, took control of Ciri etc. Just checked my Steam progress, played for 33 hours.
This better not bore the pants off me like Witcher 3 did. Such a yawn fest and I've reinstalled it time after time to give it another go. I love open world games, but for some reason Witcher 3 I hated.

Most overrated game ever, bored me to tears, run around doing pointless quests (never forget the one where you find some woman's frying pan, seriously.....), encounter a NPC, waffle on for about 15 minutes with pointless dialogue then go do a fight with terrible fight combat/controls, back to NPC for another 15 minutes of pointless waffling, rinse and repeat.....

Cyberpunk looks far better, that and it has a far better/more appealing setting, which will help immerse me more.
A lot of the boredom of Witcher is in its setting. For me that's just boring full stop and the same reason I got bored of RDR2 very quickly. I like an RPG as much as anyone else, but when the world is so huge and the tasks so tedious throughout in a setting that's just bland... I CBA any more. Zelda 64 is the last RPG I played from start to finish over the course of 6 months purely because it was fun and kept me busy throughout.

Cyberpunk looks like it has oodles of stuff to do and explore. The city is living and each resident is an individual it seems and the setting is exactly where my interests outside of gaming lie, in Sci-Fi and tech both modern and futuristic. I want to feel like I'm playing Blade Runner mixed with Demolition Man and Mad Max!

Plus the targeted set pieces like adverts of signs that change as you walk by them to be directed to your "V" is quite cool and interesting. I am expecting to see some future real world brand advertising thrown in throughout too so let's see what happens because if they can get Keanu in this, then they sure as hell can get recognised brands in 2077 too.
My main problem with the Witcher was always being Geralt ... I get you've gotta be him, it'd make no sense to be anyone else and he is cool ... but not getting to make my character and change about how they look and stuff just gives me a bit of a disconnect and I end up caring way less about them.
I did lots of side quests and main quests, got to character lvl15 or there abouts. Got to the big city, can't remember the name. Fought the big Wyverns, went around the map unlocking all the extras etc. Did the Baron mission quests, took control of Ciri etc. Just checked my Steam progress, played for 33 hours.

Ah yea, just not your cuppa then, totally understand. It's odd, it's my number 1 game of all time and you know how it is haha, for me I love a good story and the world it's in.

Cyberpunk isn't normally my style of game, however, seeing how much attention to detail and care they put into Witcher 3 (again, in my opinion) I am very excited to see what they have done with a much bigger crew on Cyberpunk!
I can tell you which game I'm going to play next that I won't finish....Cyberpunk 2077.

I'm sure it will be amazing for the first 12-18hrs or so, then the usual boredom will set in that seems to happen with ALL open world type RPG games. I've never been able to complete any of them, none. I always find you reach a point in them when you've basically seen and done everything there is to see & do and they just become a relentless grind of side quests.

Problems is that all RPGs are kinda of grind fest (World of Tanks style), sustained by (hopefully) a good story that will make you play it. Just by themselves, gameplay mechanics alone are quite "fragile" and will fall apart quickly. Until we have a game world which can exist organically by itself, that feeling won't go away. I don't think Cyberpunk will change that. However, if you enjoy the story, there might be something special there.
I can tell you which game I'm going to play next that I won't finish....Cyberpunk 2077.

I'm sure it will be amazing for the first 12-18hrs or so, then the usual boredom will set in that seems to happen with ALL open world type RPG games. I've never been able to complete any of them, none. I always find you reach a point in them when you've basically seen and done everything there is to see & do and they just become a relentless grind of side quests.
Its sort of why I like short 20h ish games.

Rpg games can become repetitive as you say
What part did you get up to? I know a lot of people gave up before leaving the starting area as there isn't much going on during that time.

As for Cyberpunk, people crying about a tiny window of crunch time is just media grab, it's MUCH better than Witcher 3's crunch time so I'm glad the delays paid off in that respect. I'm very excited for the release! I just hope my Asus Strix 3090 OC arrives before the game :D
I actually got stuck on witcher 3 mission quest.

Will try and remember what it was and post in the witcher 3 thread but once I got stuck I couldn't be asked lol and I liked witcher 2 better for some reason
A lot of the boredom of Witcher is in its setting. For me that's just boring full stop and the same reason I got bored of RDR2 very quickly. I like an RPG as much as anyone else, but when the world is so huge and the tasks so tedious throughout in a setting that's just bland... I CBA any more. Zelda 64 is the last RPG I played from start to finish over the course of 6 months purely because it was fun and kept me busy throughout.

Cyberpunk looks like it has oodles of stuff to do and explore. The city is living and each resident is an individual it seems and the setting is exactly where my interests outside of gaming lie, in Sci-Fi and tech both modern and futuristic. I want to feel like I'm playing Blade Runner mixed with Demolition Man and Mad Max!

Plus the targeted set pieces like adverts of signs that change as you walk by them to be directed to your "V" is quite cool and interesting. I am expecting to see some future real world brand advertising thrown in throughout too so let's see what happens because if they can get Keanu in this, then they sure as hell can get recognised brands in 2077 too.

Surprised you didn't like RDR 2!? :eek:

Loved the setting in that game, could just spends hours riding around admiring the scenery.

Superb story too and when the action kicked in, it was so good.

But definitely, you need to be interested in the game setting to really get into it.

Love westerns

Love futuristic/scifi settings like blade runner etc. so cyberpunk already on a good start

Hate medieval.... then add in the pointless boring waffling multiple choice dialogue urgh.....

Bit like the division 1 and 2, new york, xmas time with snow and that dark + gritty feel makes the game a hundred times better, where as with division 2........ set in summer in a boring bland city i.e. Washington, meh....
Bit like the division 1 and 2, new york, xmas time with snow and that dark + gritty feel makes the game a hundred times better, where as with division 2........ set in summer in a boring bland city i.e. Washington, meh....

I played Div 2 first, and then got really burned out on running through the same missions over and over again (I had the expansion) ... then later tried Div 1 as I got a copy of it that was given away ... there was some annoyances with it, but you're right about the setting being more interesting, I'm not really sure what to put it down to as while NY is probably a cooler city it's not like I'm any more familiar with it so wasn't appreciating it from that aspect, and you do go to NY eventually in Div2's expansion ... I did like the financial district of NY in 2 when it's all flooded that was kinda cool... It's a shame I got burned out on 2 though as I've heard they've added a random thing like underground in the first game, and while I don't own that DLC in 1 so haven't tried it people kept talking about how great it was and how the second game needed something like it, but I just don't have the energy to go back to 2 to try it.
Surprised you didn't like RDR 2!? :eek:

I did actually like the game itself! I just didn't like how large and drawn out the exploration part was and of course the story dialogue was lengthy too at times, at least the early parts I played!

Maybe once I am done with Cyberpunk I will try it again as my RPG boots will be well oiled :D
Crunch or not, I'm not buying game son launch as they are DOOMED to bugs for the first few weeks minimum. I'll wait until the game works properly. COD Modern Warfare is still bugged!
So it’s looking like there’s going to be no 3080 for me before this launches so I hope my 2070 Super will do! I don’t mind 40-60 FPS but hope it won’t be less than that!
So it’s looking like there’s going to be no 3080 for me before this launches so I hope my 2070 Super will do! I don’t mind 40-60 FPS but hope it won’t be less than that!

Honestly with my 2080, I'm just hoping for a locked 30fps at 1440p with everything set to pretty much max settings, (inc Ray Tracing) and I will be playing it on my 4K TV rather than my 4K PC monitor because the upscaler in my TV is far superior to the one in my PC monitor and 1440p looks fantastic on it.

I'd far rather play at a locked, rock solid 30fps than a constantly fluctuating 30-60fps, TBH.
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