Wonder will its release coincide with a new console gen?
I have to imagine this is a really early look. The systems etc in place look amazing. It will be worth the wait. Next gen game imo
Also, isn’t this just a blatant Deus Ex reimagining?
I got Deus Ex vibes from the small part I watched. Then I started throwing money at my screen and I'm still waiting for something to happen..Also, isn’t this just a blatant Deus Ex reimagining?
They’ve said that it’s running on top end PC in that demo, so undoubtedly won’t be like this upon release.
Also, isn’t this just a blatant Deus Ex reimagining?
Only game I'm looking forward to. Didn't watch too much as don't want to spoil anything really.
Only negative I really saw was I though there was too many HUD elements like the markers etc and enemy nameplates but I expect you can scale it down
Only watched some parts, looks amazing.
I'm going to say 2019 for release, I believe this will be on this gen of consoles, or hope anyway.
It’s been in development for 5 years and is playable from start to finish.