It's been refunded already! Should take a few days for the money to be returned to my card.
Just as well, as I had a bash at driving earlier. Dear god it's bad. Had a crash head on, no sound, no impact almost, just bounced off the car.
Really not getting on with it. Fair enough I'm on an Xbox One, but still......GTA plays super well and was (is) an epic game.
My refund was done very fast. I'd played for a couple of hours. I'll go back to it when it's fixed.
In the meantime, I've just started Control and wow, what a difference, such a slick, polished game in comparison! Feel a bit bad I waited for game pass to get it now.....anyone else that is disappointed with Cyberpunk and hasn't tried it it
I'm not very far as not had long to play today but I'm well impressed. Playing on Series X in quality mode.
I really like the look and style, some iffy shadows when I did the VR training tutorial but nothing to complain about.
There is a vaseline like layer, not seen this in the gameplay footage online prior to release, presume this is a console thing and not present on high end PCs.
Turn off lens flares in options makes a big difference....
So is Back to the Future 2 but they had flying cars and it was only about 2030 I think.
HDR seems ok for me just turning off Lens flares does the job for me...