Cyberpunk 2077

I decided to buy the game as I received some gift vouchers for Christmas - it runs really well on the series S!

I'm about 10 hours in and I'm enjoying it, I've not had any problems so far (although the interface for vendors is annoying).
Ok played a bit to get to night city. Xbox Series X. Playing was on performance mode. Sometimes i have fps dips for 1 second to maybe 50s?or 45s?Not noticable also. Gameplay smooth, no crashing. Graphic nice. I will try that game with my pc which i am building with rtx 3090 and 10850 in future.
I'm playing on a One X after getting if for Christmas and I was really enjoying it. Yes the frames a bit choppy in places and I've seen a few bugs which have been annoying and certainly shouldn't have made it to release but I'm loving the story and the look of the world itself.

One bug however has now stopped me playing - the Delamain phone bug; the mission where you have to locate the taxi's across the city. I've found the one on the south of the first island but whatever I do, I can't open it and when Delamain calls me, I can't answer i.e. I press the d-pad and nothing happens. Looks like a common problem but none of the solutions I've tried seem to have worked so far :(.

I'm excited about what the games future holds. I think it has potential to become fantastic and I'm looking forward to playing on a Series X at some point next year.
Despite the bugs, I'm really enjoying the game, I think I'm the end of Act 2, I got to a bit where it says the point of no return so I've just gone off doing side quests and leveling up. I was originally very gung ho but now I just hack everyone to death with quick hacks so all my skills are going on Intelligence. Managed to max out my street cred too
I'm kind of enjoying it. Wish the side missions were better, apart from the main story it all feels so pointless.
Do speech options have any impact.
Imagine wasting SSD write cycles on your brand new console with this buggy mess. :p

Imagine wasting precious minutes of your life constantly bashing the game in this thread. We get it, you don't like the game nor the developer. Perhaps move along and find something more useful to do with your time? Some of us are having loads of fun with the game despite some issues, and from my experience there's loads more good than bad with the game. I've played far bigger and more problematic games in my time and for me on Series X, the game is far from unplayable. So perhaps leave posting in here for now unless you've got something useful and constructive to say.
Imagine wasting precious minutes of your life constantly bashing the game in this thread. We get it, you don't like the game nor the developer. Perhaps move along and find something more useful to do with your time? Some of us are having loads of fun with the game despite some issues, and from my experience there's loads more good than bad with the game. I've played far bigger and more problematic games in my time and for me on Series X, the game is far from unplayable. So perhaps leave posting in here for now unless you've got something useful and constructive to say.

I have had a quick moan about this game and requested a refund until PS5s reappear in the wild. However I am still looking forward to playing it as I could see the potential on the base PS4.

I do find these days that you aren’t allowed to enjoy a game if the majority of the internet doesn’t like it. Agree with the above, if you don’t like the game move on, what has happened to the gaming community.

TLOU2 is a perfect example.
That happened to me too, I restarted the PS4 and it worked fine after that

I completed the game today (Just under 19 hrs) on the base PS4 and overall its totally playable. I found the game looks best with all the graphics effect turned off.

It's not without some minor issues, the game breaking bug I experienced was fixed in the 1.05 patch, the rest is more cosmetic issues. Performance is fine most of the time, seems to only be an issue when travelling in a vehicle in built up areas. It has crashed but it's not often, maybe 4 times during the entire game and most of these were before the latest patch.
Wow 19 hours to finish seems very quick, i imagine you didn't have many options for the end/ got the worst ending?

I finished today with 50 hours and glad i played it on series X. Got some bugs that kill the immersion but otherwise quite a good game.

Some overall things could have been considered better. I.e. Smaller map, less upgrade options,inventory system etc and spend that time working out bugs etc instead.

Overall though i thought it was pretty good, but probably would avoid on base consoles.
Wow 19 hours to finish seems very quick, i imagine you didn't have many options for the end/ got the worst ending?

I finished today with 50 hours and glad i played it on series X. Got some bugs that kill the immersion but otherwise quite a good game.

Yeah, I pretty much did a speed run on the main story and got a refund for the game. I didn't complete the Panam side missions to unlock the other endings so got the awful default one.
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