Cycling from London to Shangahi

Are you camping every night or mixing it up with hostels/b&bs?

Mixing it up, did the following so far;

two nights with friends in Brighton
one night host
2 nights camping in campsites
1 in a hotel
2 in campsites
3 hostel
3 campsites
2 hostel

Will start trying to stealth camp soon as most campsites start to close in October.

I guess one thing that would stop me doing this (other than the wife...) would be the paranoia about having my bike/belongings stolen.

This is the thing. All the hostels and hotels I've been in have had secure parking. In the campsites I use extra tent pegs and pin a tarp over my bike. The bike is also always visible with a quick move of my head in the tent, any odd noises and I give a quick check. Been no problems although one Campsite was a tad rough.

Shopping with the bike is the hard part, I've been stopping in big supermarkets, locking the bike up and then putting my panniers in a trolley and taking them round with me. Can't think of a better option really...
Hats off to you! I hope you have a great trip and I look forward to reading about your journey.

I returned from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan last month. I didn't do any cycling but met many people who were and think it's a great way to travel.

I met a couple of English guys who had been cycling for several months and one of them had taken the place of a friend who had died. They were carrying around their friend's ashes and scattering them in appropriate places which I thought was incredibly touching.

Watch out the altitude in the Pamirs! I definitely recommend making a detour to the Wakhan Valley if you have the time.

Stay safe!
You won't make it in 365 days.

Lol its not a race :p got some expert info I'm missing out on?

Hats off to you! I hope you have a great trip and I look forward to reading about your journey.

I returned from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan last month. I didn't do any cycling but met many people who were and think it's a great way to travel.

I met a couple of English guys who had been cycling for several months and one of them had taken the place of a friend who had died. They were carrying around their friend's ashes and scattering them in appropriate places which I thought was incredibly touching.

Watch out the altitude in the Pamirs! I definitely recommend making a detour to the Wakhan Valley if you have the time.

Stay safe!

Very cool idea with the ashes. Did you go just to travel or for work?

Try and stay safe and good luck !
I shall be cheering for you :)

Cheers! I'll be cautious.
Here's one piece of advice. Cyclists are not allowed on main roads in Hungary and there are no side / back roads to travel through. Prepare to be beeped at, continuously by massive lorries and fined heavily if the police come across you.

Other than that. Best of luck :)
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