Cyclists Beware

22 Jul 2020
I had to watch it twice and then let it run to the slow motion part as I could not see where he went to after the impact.


Shocking moment great-grandad killed in hit and run crash in Birmingham (
Poor guy. Poor poor guy. Not quite sure why he rode across the path of the car though!
Car looked to be going pretty fast so he may have not judged it right as it was far away so had time to turn, cannot see if the bike has lights (do not think so).
So the guy is cycling into traffic. What does he / police / his family expect??

Motorists beware of people cycling down the road directly into you! I feel sorry for the driver but R.I.P of course
The issue is the guy in car did a runner.

"The BMW then stops further down the street and the four occupants run away from the scene leaving Mr Goulbourne dying in the road."
The car was going way to quick, but from the driver's angle he wouldn't have seen the cyclist peeling off from behind the oncoming car until it was to late.
So the guy is cycling into traffic. What does he / police / his family expect??

Probably for the guy that hit him to stick around, report it, call an ambulance, check he's alive?

You know...not to break the law :confused:
It looked like they were going what, 60? In what is presumably a 30?

He went spiralling through the air and landed roughly where the car stopped... :(
Yip, could not see in normal speed playback as it was it so fast until I knew where to look at seeing the slow mo playback now I can see him each time.

I think he ended up behind that low wall or on it, can see him just about there then nothing.
Probably for the guy that hit him to stick around, report it, call an ambulance, check he's alive?

You know...not to break the law :confused:

But the law often blames the driver by default, even when it isn't their fault. Which is why people do a runner.

Not that this guy shouldn't get some blame for the speed he was going.
But the law will often blames the driver by default. Which is why people do a runner.

That doesn't make it ok. And the law tends to blame the driver because in the vast majority of cases, they are the cause.
If you look at driver he may not even have a license (hence the runner), could be lack of insurance.

You would think at least 1 out of 4 would have had a shred of decency and did something even make a call.
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