Cyclists In London (and possibly else where)

^ excellent method to get rid of all cyclists on the road.

You'll notice on the continent that cycling is much more popular and is given far more consideration, whereas it's considered a nuisance by many here.

If you truly are worried about drains on the NHS you want to encourage more people to cycle, our obesity and risk of cardiac disease is amongst the worst in Europe.
I think a basic cycling competency test, so that it's clear you understand the rules of the road, is a good idea. Compulsory third party insurance also has merits. The rest of those suggestions can go swivel.

I am a driver and a cyclist and don't see why people get so wound up. If you are riding on the road you are the most annoyingly slow thing in the world, be grateful people don't run you over out of frustration.

In my experience it's cyclists with a gargantuan chip on their shoulder causing most of the issues.
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Well prosecutions need to start happening on cyclist`s or on the the spot fines.

I dont see them paying any road tax either for all these cycling lanes either. So

Compulsory cycling test, paid for by the cyclist. If nicked without one then fine even more.
Tax on new bikes, no purchase of new bike without license etc.
Compulsory helmets.
Compulsory gloves
Compulsory knee, elbow pads
Compulsory bell
Compulsory third party insurance

Without wearing any of the above, if you have a accident no free NHS treatment.

(sorry in a nazi mood after being on bikers forum and some idiot there wanting XYX)

I cycle at the moment but rode a motorbike for 7 years around London before an accident.

Cyclists and motorcyclists are both vulnerable road users, and as such should show respect for each other. That means making space for each other, not cutting one another up, not blocking gaps where possible, not riding in blind spots or up the chuff of someone else, having a better awareness of each other (look!), and ultimately not flouting the law (jumping red lights, offsiding, speeding etc).
a few weeks ago I was on the way to matlock and was at a set of red lights in belper and 3 cyclists were coming the other way on the racing bikes only 1 stopped at the red light, the other 2 rode though and only just missed the 2 people on the crossing. they didn't even say anything to the couple they almost ran over.
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See this all the time unfortunately. Cyclists just think that rules of the road dont apply to them!
a few weeks ago I was on the way to matlock and was at a set of red lights in belper and 3 cyclists were coming the other way on the racing bikes only 1 stopped at the red light, the other 2 rode though and only just missed the 2 people on the crossing. they didn't even say anything to the couple they almost ran over.

I ride through London daily and see this on a daily basis from car/van/bus/pedestrians/cyclists/all road users. Seems a bit odd to single cyclists out, no?
I ride through London daily and see this on a daily basis from car/van/bus/pedestrians/cyclists/all road users. Seems a bit odd to single cyclists out, no?

No, as cyclist go out of their way to flout the rules of the road
I work in London and every day I see cyclists riding on the pavement and going through red lights. Many a time I have nearly been hit on a crossing when I have right of way. Something needs to be done about it as its getting quite bad. I am a mtb rider myself so it gives the rest of us a cyclists a bad name.

I couldn't think of anything worse than cycling the roads of London. Give me some trails any day :D
What's the difference between a cyclist going through a red light, and a car going through a red light? The car driver did it 'by accident'?
I've commented on this before and anyone who misses the point about cyclists jumping a red light is being wilfully blind to reality.

I don't recall ever seeing a car blatantly just drive through a red light because no traffic was coming.. maybe once or twice in hundreds of thousands and miles and I've forgotten.. but it's an absolutely regular occurrence with cyclists. I'm not even perturbed by it as it's totally normal. Whether it's OK or not is a separate issue.
I've commented on this before and anyone who misses the point about cyclists jumping a red light is being wilfully blind to reality.

I don't recall ever seeing a car blatantly just drive through a red light because no traffic was coming.. maybe once or twice in hundreds of thousands and miles and I've forgotten.. but it's an absolutely regular occurrence with cyclists. I'm not even perturbed by it as it's totally normal. Whether it's OK or not is a separate issue.

I see it occasionally with cars (especially at pedestrian crossings), but you're right - it's more common with cyclists than cars. Going through Dalston / Hackney every day, the vast majority of cyclists I see stop in the box, a minority go past the stop line but stop short of the actual junction, and then there's a few crazies who just plough through. I wouldn't say it was endemic or a 'regular occurrence'. All of this is just meaningless anecdotes without any actual data on it though.

I think we can all agree that the general standard of road use in London appears to be below average.

Interestingly, there's a US state (I can't remember which one - Iowa maybe?) that has a law that states that cyclists can treat a red light as a Stop sign (ie. must stop and check before proceeding) and Stop signs as a Yield (ie. just give way). I wonder how that works out for them, and I wonder how attitudes towards cyclists vary between that state and others.
Or the cycle boxes, If you are sat at the front of the queue of traffic then a cyclists pushes his way through and parks himself/herself right infront of you.... Well done, you have now caused me to have to pull away incredibly slow and potentially have to swerve around you.

Anyone else get frustrated by them? or is it just me?

Bloody cyclists, correctly using the road features put there to help keep them safe! IME, a huge number of motorcyclists treat the ASLs as their own despite the large picture on a bicycle on the road which is rather irritating. All road users are guilty of being ****s at some point.
I'd break a lot more rules of the road if I thought I had a 100% chance of getting away with it. I mean who here honestly doesn't go above the speed limit on a daily basis?
I don't think it's so much the breaking of the rules, it's the attitude they have that they get to break the rules and then act like they have been wronged when said breaking of the rules ends up with them getting hurt, getting called an asshat.
Bloody cyclists, correctly using the road features put there to help keep them safe! IME, a huge number of motorcyclists treat the ASLs as their own despite the large picture on a bicycle on the road which is rather irritating. All road users are guilty of being ****s at some point.

I probably explained that poorly. I meant when they enter a cycle box that is empty or as near to it that they CAN position themselves off to the side and yet choose to plonk themselves smack bang in the centre of it.
I probably explained that poorly. I meant when they enter a cycle box that is empty or as near to it that they CAN position themselves off to the side and yet choose to plonk themselves smack bang in the centre of it.

To leave room for other cyclists to enter. If you position yourself at the left then the second bike to arrive blocks access.

Common sense.
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