Cyclists In London (and possibly else where)

I don't get the cycle boxes. What advantage is it for a cyclebike to be at the front of the queue? You just end up having the same people that dangerously overtook you last time dangerously overtake you again!
I think cyclists and moped riders alike are generally dangerous rulebreakers. I underwent the CBT out of curiosity, and on it I learnt that bike riders are supposed to stay in the command position except when turning. Anytime a git on two wheels passes a car in the same lane, left or right, they are breaking the Highway Code and increasing the risk of collision.

Besides that, why use dusty old tech such as bicycles? The world has moved on you silly funsters, we've got faster more comfy modes of road transport, that keep the rain off you and can cool you down in heatwaves...
**** off you ****. Edit: filtering is 100% legal. Just take your misinformation elsewhere.

Should we ban all air planes that don't carry over 50 passengers because some chaps like to go for a fly on a sunny weekend?

Motorbikes were about before the first car, we didn't kick horses off the road though did we!
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I don't get the cycle boxes. What advantage is it for a cyclebike to be at the front of the queue? You just end up having the same people that dangerously overtook you last time dangerously overtake you again!

Visibility mainly. If you are in an ASL and it's properly designed then you are clearly visible to the traffic behind you. About 70% of vehicle / bicycle accidents happen at junctions and ASLs help reduce that.

**** off you ****.

Pardon me, I'm not a character from Asterix so I don't speak that Gaulish tongue...

I'm not talking about filtering; I'm referring to two wheelers undertaking/overtaking in the same lane whilst cars are in motion. Show me something official in writing that allows that guff!
Motorbikes were about before the first car, we didn't kick horses off the road though did we!

Fortunately the people who can't afford to run a car can't afford to run a horse either. Shame they can afford bicycles though, as they're obsolete and dangerous.

I challenge you to justify the fact that cyclists are allowed to use the roads without being able to be identified when they the break the rules.

I challenge you to justify the fact that any berk with a provisional car licence can go on a one day CBT and then take a moped on the road with an L plate.

I've done the CBT, and as an existing car driver was one of the more able candidates compared to some of the hapless teenagers, but I still don't think it's right that I could now be let loose on one of those things! Incidentally, they gave a pass certificate to a teenager who's never been behind the wheel and who didn't know how roundabouts work! On two occasions during the day he failed to give way, causing cars to emergency stop!
Fortunately the people who can't afford to run a car can't afford to run a horse either. Shame they can afford bicycles though, as they're obsolete and dangerous.

I challenge you to justify the fact that cyclists are allowed to use the roads without being able to be identified when they the break the rules.

I challenge you to justify the fact that any berk with a provisional car licence can go on a one day CBT and then take a moped on the road with an L plate.

I've done the CBT, and as an existing car driver was one of the more able candidates compared to some of the hapless teenagers, but I still don't think it's right that I could now be let loose on one of those things! Incidentally, they gave a pass certificate to a teenager who's never been behind the wheel and who didn't know how roundabouts work! On two occasions during the day he failed to give way, causing cars to emergency stop!

Pretty sure you're deliberately trolling and not actually the sad little person you're coming across as.

If I look on auto trader I will find the starting price of second hand cars much cheaper than most of the cycles on the road. A half decent bike costs at least £500. My commuting bike cost me £1200 and my 'best' summer bike £3000. I also own a Range Rover and a BMW R1200GS - both pricey bits of kit. Despite that I choose to commute to work from Harrogate to Leeds (15 mies each way) by bicycle.

I wonder why? It could be because it takes the same amount of time in rush hour as the car. Or that I enjoy the exercise. Or that I get to work stress free. Or that cycling is just a joyful thing to do. Or that its quite exhilarating flying past queuing cars at 30mph. Or that it saves me £16 per day compared to the car (diesel plus parking).

As for mopeds/scooters, they are the saviour of congestion and we should start embracing them as they do in European cities. Studies have shown that bikes have a zero effect on congestion due to their ability to create their own lanes when the traffic gets heavy. In some ways I agree that the CBT is insufficient, however the path to a full license is too hard these days - justify to me why a 17 year old can pass their car test and drive their parents BMW M5, but on a bike they have to undertake two tests, plus the theory, and are still restricted to a 125 (12hp) until they are 19? Something in between the CBT and the current system would be better.

It always amazes me that cars cause all the congestion and problems on the road, yet some of their drivers get angry at cyclists and motorcyclists for making progress that doesn't affect them in the slightest. I get slowed down by cars on my commute far more frequently than I slow cars down thats for sure.

If we're in a banning mood, I'd start with single occupancy car travel in towns and cities, or at least tax it like a congestion charge. I'd also ban school run drivers if it's less than a mile for primary school or 2 miles for secondary schools (none of this is practical or enforceable obviously but in an ideal world...). That would address both congestion and child/parent obesity!
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Motorcycling is method of transportation. Cycling is activity. This is often overlooked.
The reasons why cycling works better in most European capitals than it currently does in London can be brought down to three main things: a) every single capital in EU is much smaller, much less crowded and much less congested than London b) cyclists understand that they perform their activity on roads dedicated to transportation and adjust their behaviour accordingly c) majority of cyclists are trained and licensed to perform said activity on public roads

The reason why majority of people that cycle in London do cycle in London is because they know they can jump red lights and can do so in large enough chains/groups to maintain minimal levels of safety. Without jumping red lights the activity no longer offers risk to time saving ratio to justify undertaking it in the first place, which is why the activity wasn't performed in such vast numbers in decades prior to this one. Impose training. Ban headphones. Impose and enforce high penalties for red light jumping for 12 months. Those that perform the activity responsibly will stay on the road, the rest will stop endangering lives and jobs of thousands of commuters for the sake of shaving 10 minutes off their journey.
lol not really. The majority of cyclists don't jump red lights. They also appreciate that cycling is a cheap way to get to work and also keeps them active and fit meaning less time in the gym.

Personally I find motorbike riders in London worse than the cyclists, at least the cyclists can't get much over 30mph and have a pretty low weight. The amount of bikers hitting 60+ in London every day is pretty crazy.
Can you tell me where I can go and pay road tax for my bike please?
Also where can I get some for my car?

Indeed, it's Vehicle Excise Duty and road maintenance is handled through general taxation (e.g. Council Tax and income tax). In which i'm sure the cyclist pays.
one thing i do think is all cycle son the road should have mirrors (even just bar end ones),

for most cycalisints moving about seems to be completly devoid of observation i dont think i ever see them doing a shoulder check, except for the odd time they do and at the same time wonder about 3 feet over to the side thier looking as they doo.
One day I forgot mine and I felt helpless.
It is one of the best aids to road safety while on a bike (IMO).

indeed i just don't understand it they're not common they would cost **** all to add as standard, and make your life so much easier.

remove the mirrors from somoens car and they probbaly would refuse to drive it, take away the safety of thwe cage and suddenly they're ok with it.
If you mean all cyclists within the UK then I'd certainlyagree, but did you read the link I posted?

well 3500 fines in london in one year. Most of these will be from the spot check days where they go out in force to catch people being naughty. there's magnitudes more cyclists in london than motorbikers, we're in the minority.

The ratio of red light jumping to pavement riding is about 4:7 from that article. Cyclists on pavements isn't exactly the thing that terrifies me the most when waking up each morning. Red light jumpers, well I don't really care much if it's a safe time to go through and they take it easy.

The majority of collisions I've seen are not red light jumpers, it's almost always a car turning left on to a cyclist or motorbiker. Sometimes it's a motorbiker just going too damn fast for the situation like around junctions and they usually end up in the back of an ambulance.
indeed i just don't understand it they're not common they would cost **** all to add as standard, and make your life so much easier.

remove the mirrors from somoens car and they probbaly would refuse to drive it, take away the safety of thwe cage and suddenly they're ok with it.

They are usually thought to introduce dangerous habits for cyclists, since the mirror is so close to your hand they don't provide a good arc of coverage meaning it's tempting to do a maneuver without doing a proper life saver shoulder check.

On motorbikes they are way more extended but still don't provide a massive amount of info, you still need to shoulder check when moving over lanes etc.
They are usually thought to introduce dangerous habits for cyclists, since the mirror is so close to your hand they don't provide a good arc of coverage meaning it's tempting to do a maneuver without doing a proper life saver shoulder check.

On motorbikes they are way more extended but still don't provide a massive amount of info, you still need to shoulder check when moving over lanes etc.

but they don't shoulder check as it is lol least it would be something.
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