Cyclists on Canal footpaths :|

I do laugh at comments where on the occurrence of a nice day people expect to think “I’ll go somewhere nice” and then get annoyed when they find other people doing the same leading to complaints of not having the place to yourself.
I do laugh at comments where on the occurrence of a nice day people expect to think “I’ll go somewhere nice” and then get annoyed when they find other people doing the same leading to complaints of not having the place to yourself.

Nope, just a large amount of cyclists making it unpleasant for the rest of us ;)
On the busy stretch of canal towpath that I use every day (mostly on foot but sometimes cycling) I see the following: rats, blackbirds, magpies, crows, moorhens, ducks, swans, cats, dogs with walkers, otters, pedestrians, anglers, magnet anglers, drunks, herbalists, partying teens/adults, kids on push scooters, electric scooters, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, motorbikes (trials and motocross), cyclists, joggers, and even drone operators. On the canal itself there are barges, leisure boats, kayaks, etc. In the main everybody tries and succeeds in working with each other to keep flow reasonably good. I don't see much hostility at all. As someone said earlier, the trick is stay aware of what is happening in front and behind you. The regulars are good at this, the infrequent towpathers are less good, and some people are too wrapped up in their own shizz to bother at all. Bike width isn't an issue unless they have those MTBs with ultra-wide handlebars (or under a bridge). I can only bring myself to get annoyed at litter(there are bins every km or so), mostly from the McD's but especially broken glass (wildlife and children!), dog muck left behind (chilldren and cyclists!), and anyone who hassles the wildlife or is inconsiderate of it (dogs not controlled, kids throwing stuff at animals :().
In the hierarchy of vulnerability pedestrian trumps cyclist, so feel free to not yield to them if you don't want to, & give them a taste of their own sanctimony ;)

Assuming obviously we're talking about 'cyclists' here, and not just people (families/kids) on bicycles. An important distinction.
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Drop some tacks, Dick Dastardly style, next time ;). Then be all sympathetic when you see them further up the patch with the thing upside down either repairing it all calling their wife who is "out with the girls" to come and pick them up.

I don't go to these places at busy times. The pandemic was beautiful at times for these reasons.
Drop some tacks, Dick Dastardly style, next time ;). Then be all sympathetic when you see them further up the patch with the thing upside down either repairing it all calling their wife who is "out with the girls" to come and pick them up.

I don't go to these places at busy times. The pandemic was beautiful at times for these reasons.
Are these tacks intelligent and know not to attack dog paws?

Do they also know not to attack bikes using the very common tubeless tyres, that won't puncture?
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Are these tacks intelligent and know not to attack dog paws?

Do they also know not to attack bikes using the very common tubeless tyres, that won't puncture?

If the dog is called Mutley, then defintely.

Ah the tubeless tyres. See, those are the worst cyclists, they know that everyone hates them so they come prepared.

I've been away from GD for a while, but do people still not get sarcasm here? Is it still all serious business?
Most of these kind of places where people moan about bikes are listed on maps as cycleways and part of the national cycle network on the sustrans website...
If you walk on the left side of the path and leave half the path for people running /cycling past....

You wouldn;t cycle int he middle of the road would you? so why walk int he middle of the path?

Drop some tacks, Dick Dastardly style, next time ;). Then be all sympathetic when you see them further up the patch with the thing upside down either repairing it all calling their wife who is "out with the girls" to come and pick them up.

About as funny as the idiots that put fishing wire across paths at neck height for cyclists
Also not very smart if your dog steps on one is it and impales its foot?

I know you are probably joking but loads of people seem to do idiotic stuff like that and dragging trees/logs across paths.
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(I'm more of a panasonic or Braun person)

yes -OP doesn't get that these people on bicycles abusing pedestrians are not true cyclists - they may share the same lycra but are biologically different, non-sys.
Real cyclists show respect for pedestrian unlike the Tate preaching.

Anyway It's a good test of you bike handling skills to be able to stop and balance on your pedals waiting for a gap - next to a canal would add a frissance.
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If the dog is called Mutley, then defintely.

Ah the tubeless tyres. See, those are the worst cyclists, they know that everyone hates them so they come prepared.

I've been away from GD for a while, but do people still not get sarcasm here? Is it still all serious busi
Naa- still the same. I don't think they would see it if it hit them on the head.:D
All these pedestrians have probably arrived in their Jeeps or Nissan tonka toy trucks polluting the air and littering the hedgerows as they go. /s
If a cyclist is approaching me too fast when I’m walking along a canal towpath, I grab them and spinning piledriver them into the canal. Then when they get all uppity and I’m just like “hitboxes *shrug*
Sorry, feel like a cheesefest thread. Wonderful day in Sunny Edinburgh, walked a good 9km following the canals that going right across the City. Completely ruined by ******* on bikes. Every 2 seconds some stupid bell going off. Felt like being trapped in a review from that "worth a buy" guy.

Buy a bicycle then you won't be overtaken by cyclists
I tend to find dog walkers are much more of a menace. I don't want to have to to avoid dog poo/hanging bags of ***** nor experience a dog licking/sniffing or barking me or my kids.
Too many pedestrians on the Canal towpath this morning and not a cyclist in sight

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