Damagaed My Mr2 thread

he been banned?

only way id believe it is if you stand on the car in your boxers balancing the loaf on your head holding a peice of card saying your username......
-Mike- said:
You have indeed sir, You've won OCUK LIAR of spring 2007.

Why did you post on the the parkers website that you had crashed the car?

Parkers Thread said:
Hello all. I purchased RAC comprehensive insurance cover in september.

Went o ireland on holiday and have had a crash.

Its not looking good. The car has been seriously damaged and I am looking at a £4000-6000 bill.

I thought I was fine til I looked at my insurance cover. In the tiniest writing it says I am only covered for third party.

What can I do? There was someone else involved but he scooted away very quickly.

Any ideas. (I cant say what sort of car it was as I dont trust the insurance companys but it was a nice flashy car)



Still waiting on that ebay auction ID
Why does the parkers thread say he was in ireland on holiday. I'm sure he moved there with his Dad, sister/daughter/mother/girlfriend, or at least that is what he said when he had a mk2 MR2 :/
paradigm said:
Why does the parkers thread say he was in ireland on holiday. I'm sure he moved there with his Dad, sister/daughter/mother/girlfriend, or at least that is what he said when he had a mk2 MR2 :/

Yes and he owned all that private land with a road or race track on it.

Blimey this guy is everywhere.

i have been sat here since 9am reading this whole thread, gettin funny looks from my boss as i havent done any work,

now pointed him to this thread and he has a massive grin on his face drinking coffee and also not doing any work!!

I thank yee tommy for gettin me a morning of what can i say off of work so to speak lol
paradigm said:
Why does the parkers thread say he was in ireland on holiday. I'm sure he moved there with his Dad, sister/daughter/mother/girlfriend, or at least that is what he said when he had a mk2 MR2 :/
Yeah... strange that! :rolleyes:

I have no doubt he'll be posting soon as he's posted a couple of times in the for sale section in MM just now!

The guy should have his MM access taken away to be honest. With the amount of lies he tells he could well sting people out of a lot of money on the members market.
-Mike- said:
The guy should have his MM access taken away to be honest. With the amount of lies he tells he could well sting people out of a lot of money on the members market.
I was nearly one of those but i managed to work out what type of person he was just in time! Plus, the guy gave me his bay user name to check his feedback... tbh the rating was just what you'd expect after looking at this thread!

An absolute joker! :mad:

And i'd second the restricted access to MM. Don't mind being lied to as long as it doesn't cost anything! ;)

-Mike- said:
The guy should have his MM access taken away to be honest. With the amount of lies he tells he could well sting people out of a lot of money on the members market.

Very good point actually... I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and he's already breached MM rules by trying to start a bidding war, post #9 http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17718522
Lol I love it, just to recap;

His mum owns an mr2 and he drove it on bald tyres, apparently has had it 6 months (http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8842195&postcount=1)

However he was asking in january (not 6 months ago) about advice on putting his 17 year old son on the insurance of the car he wanted to buy (mr2) (http://mr2oc.co.uk/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=58103/finish=15/start=0.html)

So then he crashes the car... Or was it his dad's? or his mum's? Nobody knows, mr2 forum likes to believe it was his, ocuk it was his dads. Nontheless he manages to think two wheels came off when only one did...


Note that in this thread:
However I am certain i brought us international cover... we will see
The 17 year old is not sure whether HE bought interneational cover, yet its his mum's car and his dad who bought it and was asking whether to put his son on insurance...

I for one choose to believe he's having fun with us all ;)
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