Damn it all to hell!

25 Aug 2005
Whats even the ****** point!? Seriously... life: why even try? Your one chance at TRUE happiness and its all taken from you.

Sure theres small bits of happiness now and then but that ONE thing will always be gnawing at my heels all through my life. I never even got a chance to try, NO from the get go it was decided i was only gonna get a very small taster of true happiness. And its a taste that lingers, nothing can wash away this taste.

I'll ALWAYS be left wanting more and it will be there forever right infront of me but never reachable. Like a damn hologram. No matter how hard i try to reach out for it, it will NEVER be mine. Someone else will get it, they wont appreciate or treat it as well as i will or do. They wont even LOVE it any where NEAR as much as I would and do.

The worst thing is that this thing is the best thing in my life right now :(
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I think someone had it as their sig on this board.

Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better.

We all suffer the problem, most of us try hard to chase it, keep positive and work hard, it will pay off.

You can't have everything but you can get close to it. :D
Been there. It sucks. I learnt to live with it. It's hard but there's no other option :(

lay-z-boy said:
We all suffer the problem, most of us try hard to chase it, keep positive and work hard, it will pay off.

You can't have everything but you can get close to it. :D

Good words!

I've been feeling really depressed recently. Had problems with my eyes, fed up of living at home, made redundant from work...

At one point I was thinking "What's the point of carrying on?"

But now I think "Life is what you make it. If you sit around being depressed, you're going to continue to feel like crap. Get off your ass and do something about it."

And I feel a damn sight better for doing so :)
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lay-z-boy said:
You can't have everything but you can get close to it. :D

This is the ONLY thing i want. If i lost everything else (money, home, security, health. hell even friends and family) but I had this it would still be true happiness.

El Gringo said:
The last malteser and my friend ALWAYS takes it... Git.

There are many more packets, though!

im talking about the best packet there will ever be.
This kind of rationality only crops up in girl-related scenarios :p

Protoman said:
Whats even the ****** point!? Seriously... life: why even try? Your one chance at TRUE happiness and its all taken from you.

Sure theres small bits of happiness now and then but that ONE thing will always be gnawing at my heels all through my life. I never even got a chance to try, NO from the get go it was decided i was only gonna get a very small taster of true happiness. And its a taste that lingers, nothing can wash away this taste.

I'll ALWAYS be left wanting more and it will be there forever right infront of me but never reachable. Like a damn hologram. No matter how hard i try to reach out for it, it will NEVER be mine. Someone else will get it, they wont appreciate or treat it as well as i will or do. They wont even LOVE it any where NEAR as much as I would and do.

The worst thing is that this thing is the best thing in my life right now :(

calm down, its not the end of the world , just goto event viewer and see what the log says.

and then just update the driver.

or just upgrade to vista.
This is the ONLY thing i want. If i lost everything else (money, home, security, health. hell even friends and family) but I had this it would still be true happiness.

3rd Aug 1989

Stop being so melodramatic and get on with your life. There are lots of girls out there, and even if she turned around tommorrow and said OMG! YOU ARE SOO SEXEH, she wouldn't bring you total and complete happiness in the way you appear to be under the misapprehension she would.
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