
Got my mini danbo today :D

I was going to wait but Im going to buy a mini one tonight, those pictures are just quality!

The one with a teeny weeny wall-e has to be the cutest thing ever ha!

Man + Danbo = giggly as a child
Is it me or do the larger version lose something compared to the smaller ones, I thinking the cuteness factor.
Is it me or do the larger version lose something compared to the smaller ones, I thinking the cuteness factor.

The large version still works quite well, but yes the smaller one does have the "cuteness factor" :D

Although the large one still works well for photos etc such as below.


But if you want it for just sitting on your desk, the little one is probably best. Or do what I did and buy both :D
I tried to get one with the original group buy, anychance someone can give me the link to buy a the big one or little one. Their so cute I will pay anything :D
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