Dark Age of Camelot - Uthgard 2.0

Jesus. I could level a toon 1-10 in one pull in proper DAOC. There's YT videos that show levelling from 1-40 in an hour in proper DAOC and you're pleased about 4 levels?!

I think the concept of the server has gone over your head, and you should probably just ignore it from now on.

I'm very well aware of how quick you can level, I was hugely addicted to daoc, I have 4 accounts and could run my own pl group etc. But the game at its best was back in the beginning (pre toa), the social aspect of slow leveling is what made the game for me.
Level 17 Mercenary so far, been great fun finding out where to go for both exp, loot & coin since all important when server launches with nothing in the economy. It's awesome loot drom dungeons etc actually being meaningful again and nice sense of progression.
Level 6 on my Reaver now, no epic quest npc ingame to start for Reavers yet, will bug report it.

Will be back on tonight for some more slow but extremely fun levelling, only downside to this game is how slow it is to run to and from Camelot to spend your points at the trainer haha.

Might end up just doing it every 5 levels or so
Lol yep i really did forgot how slow it was to move around in lower tiers lol
Man forgot how slow levling up was in classic, if you are trying to get to 5 doing guard task missions helps a lot.

If you want a map you can install bobs ui


Place all files you get in your <DaoC-Folder>\ui\custom folder

You need to run the options chooser in the ui folder to enable atlas.

At the character choose screen, go on options

set UI to custom there

Then press the atlas button in game.
I genuinely don't remember the mobs being so brutal in this for meleé, casters I've tried so far have it easy-mode and a Deathsight Necro is rofflestomping ++ Mobs in starter cloth and the trainer staff :D

But my Friar has been pretty much forced to farm xp on green mobs as the blues take too long to kill + the downtime, yellows are 75% chance of /rel with huge downtime making them not worth the risk, this is with 100% staff and crafted 95%-98% armour all at level except the chest-piece, it did get a lot better at lvl10 thankfully with getting Parry and Evade II but yellows are still a handful, way harder than I remember them to be anyway. :o
I was playing around with bobs ui and i got rid of that long bottom bar then could not get it back but someone told me how to do it :). You have to go to
C:\Users\(what ever your name is)\AppData\Roaming\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\uth2. Open your characters name.ini and goto MenuBar=570,1053,0,40,100. Change that 0 to a 1 and it will be back when you relaunch the game. Hope thats some help :D
I genuinely don't remember the mobs being so brutal in this for meleé, casters I've tried so far have it easy-mode and a Deathsight Necro is rofflestomping ++ Mobs in starter cloth and the trainer staff :D

But my Friar has been pretty much forced to farm xp on green mobs as the blues take too long to kill + the downtime, yellows are 75% chance of /rel with huge downtime making them not worth the risk, this is with 100% staff and crafted 95%-98% armour all at level except the chest-piece, it did get a lot better at lvl10 thankfully with getting Parry and Evade II but yellows are still a handful, way harder than I remember them to be anyway. :o

I don't think they've got combat working quite right yet. You're right, it wasn't this brutal first time around. In 85% vendor gear, then yes perhaps. In 95%+ crafted, definitely not. Yellows should always be viable solo, blues fast and greens a push over. OJ should also be viable if you play your cards right and luck is on your side. Red+ shouldn't normally be possible solo.

There's a LOT of tinkering going on with the combat system both for melee and magic. For example bolts got nerfed a few days ago. They were hitting a little too hard. Then they nerfed damage by 60% and they now hit like a wet noodle and miss far more frequently too. So they're more broken than before.

Personally I'm puzzled by this tinkering. Uthgard isn't new. Daoc isn't new. The correct values for spells, melee attacks etc for this era must surely be somewhat written in stone, so why all the tinkering? Doesn't fill me with confidence for a balanced game. And yes it's beta, but I'm still puzzled why this stuff is even so messed up in the first place.
You need not worry about "tinkering" with such things, they are first found to be bugged and are only changed with hard evidence then adjusted to fixed values. In the case of bolts, they were absurdly broken and as far as I know now, they are working as intended, largely people reporting them doing little damage don't know how much damage they did back in this patch and aren't even actually speccing for them.

As far as leveling goes, I found 1-15 to be quite rough as many low level mobs were not dropping loot properly, and it took some time to re-learn the good spots to level up at and which quests are efficient to complete. Later knowing the spots however, and being in a full competent group, leveling goes by at quite a generous pace. I'm level 43 as of this post whilst having spent a lot of time testing random things and with our group being the highest in Albion, we've had plenty of mobs that drop nothing at all and many that don't spawn properly or spawn in correct numbers, it will be smoother for groups leveling behind us in this beta and of course smoother in the future as we've been reporting these issues as we've leveled and seen most, if not all of them, fixed swiftly.

It's worth noting that leveling on Alb is slower than Mid & Hib due to those realms requiring less classes to form the core of a group and the lack of decent exp spots at 40+ on Alb pre-SI compared to the other realms. Darkness Falls is the best place to go at our current level and we managed to open it for Albion tonight for the first time, to find many of the spawns there bugged too, so hopefully they're fixed by tomorrow.
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