Dark theme option?

For those asking, we're on vB 3.7.3. I can't see the dark theme being implemented as an option if there's already a workaround.
What if the work around was to stop working? :p

I tried it and hated it but then again I generally dislike light text on a dark background. The blue is about as far as I can tolerate.

I haven't tried it yet, but I agree with this gentleman. I can't stand light on dark based themes, they play murder with my eyes. It does certainly look prettier than the blue theme though.

I've come to associate the blue theme with the OcUK forum, but in a bad way. Whenever I see something ugly and blue I think "Oh it's like OcUK" :p
Would love for this to be an option in CP too! (I use the stock sense browser on my android phone so unfortunately can't have the black theme) I have been using this theme from the very start and just can't stand the blue, it strains my eyes and just looks dated.

Really don't see why it can't be added as an option if it wouldn't require much effort to upload/add :confused:
Shouldnt need to use a workaround to get an option such as the dark theme its not exactly a rewrite of the forum that's needed to get it to work. For the many who like the theme it would be given them the option of having it on all devices and by default.
In the cad world programs went away from black / white as they believed the high contrast was harder on the eyes when used for sustained periods, something like that anyway. Used the blue one since day dot here and have no qualms with it myself.

If it isn't broken don't fix it and all of that.
If it isn't broken don't fix it and all of that.

I don't understand this logic, it's not like anyone is asking for the blue one replaced, just to have a dark theme added as a native selectable theme.

That's besides the fact many feel the blue one is broken :p
I can't abide the 'default' blue theme, it gives me a right raging headache after a few minutes. I can't see it being that difficult to add it as an option in the UserCP, especially given the fact that this is a forum mainly about high-end PCs.
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Yeah, no one wants the blue to be replaced with the black theme, simply to have it as an option in the CP for those who do want the dark/black theme. Really can't see how people prefer the blue theme over the dark theme though :confused:

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It isn't just the colour of the background but the wee things like the:

- online status icon
- RTM icon
- thread/post icons
- quote boxes

etc. that are much better than the default/standard stuff IMHO.

Although, the theme and icons aren't the only reason I use that userstyle, I love the way you can set a maximum image width, makes scrolling threads like the "fresh random image thread" and "high res screenshot thread" a lot better!
I actually like the blue and prefer to use it at home.

For work, I'd like the option of white though as blue just screams "I'm looking at the t'internets!!!!"

The colours were chosen by the owner originally though and that's the reason for it not ever having changed (That's the reason I got told years ago when I asked about it). I guess it's part of the branding of the store. Although, I would like to at least see an option to change from the default.
Love the black theme and have used it for a long time now. Would love for it to be officially added so I can use it at work too (like Scougar says, blue screams 'I'm looking at the internet instead of work pages' lol)
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