Dauphinoise potatoes

Just thought I'd drag this up to point out that Larousse Gastronomique begs to differ, as it specifically mentions gruyere as a valid addition under both gratin dauphinois and potatoes dauphinoise :p. That's a source I'm prepared to trust ;).

Fair point - can't argue with that. :)

Gruyere is great cheese for this sort of thing, but I wouldn't want a large amount personally.

Though I'm glad to see it says it can be made without.

As long as it's not ****ing cheddar then I'm happy with that! :D :p

Then again, it's not as if I'm an expert chef either ;)
re the cheese

I spend a lot of time in the Lyon/Bourgoin area and they never put cheese in a gratin

Is there a diffenrence between a Gratin and a Dauphinoise ?

Oh and Raclette has very different meanings in France and Switzerland
Can you freeze gratin dauphinois?

Question for you guys - has anyone successfully frozen gratin dauphinois?

My parents are up next weekend and I want to get the cooking out of the way tomorrow. I'm planning to slow cook, press and freeze some pork belly, then heat it up from a cold pan, but as regards the gratin, I twice cook mine to get the neat squares but have never actually frozen some before the second cook, only chilled it.

Will this work? I basically want to be able to just reheat everything on the day so I can spend time with them instead of being in the kitchen faffing.
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