David Cameron 'orders new curbs on Internet Porn'

If we build the computers ourselves, and avoid buying all the parts in one go, are they going to know that we've got a system that isn't filtered? given that I've known how to uninstall programs and remove viruses using a bootable usb since I was about six, are they really going to stop us removing it? format the filtered drive and move on, or get a hacking group to redirect all attempts to access government websites to hardcore porn as well as hacking Cameron's twitter to spam porn links.
because no one will do it and the christian nutters come back going"children at risk make it optout"!!!!"

lets face it there's so much parental control stuff available now if the parents wanted it they could get it far easier than this, but they can;t be arsed because as much as they say "omg porn harms my child" they can't be arsed to lift a finger to do anything about it.

That's when you just ignore them.. :p
I have a great idea. A “Politician Filter” so we that can not hear them, see or read them. Comes with every new internet device and tv set.

Vote for me! :p

Ironically, the bull**** that spews out their mouths makes them bad role models for children anyway. Who wants to bring their children up on lies and deceit ?

The big problem is because British people don't TALK about porn/brush it under the carpet kids watch porn and get ideas from it rather than talk to their parents and watch porn, knowing that while it's fun, porn isn't normal sex...

Well this is it. The only plausible argument I've heard against allowing young'uns to view porn is they might get a warped idea of what sex is, but if we weren't such a prudish society and actually talked about these things, that wouldn't be a problem.

And even if they do get a warped idea of sex... does that matter? If they find a partner who is into that stuff, good for them - let them go at it like horny rabbits. If their partner isn't into that stuff, they'll soon learn what that partner considers normal and they'll still have a healthy relationship. So what's the big deal?
Well this is it. The only plausible argument I've heard against allowing young'uns to view porn is they might get a warped idea of what sex is, but if we weren't such a prudish society and actually talked about these things, that wouldn't be a problem.

And even if they do get a warped idea of sex... does that matter? If they find a partner who is into that stuff, good for them - let them go at it like horny rabbits. If their partner isn't into that stuff, they'll soon learn what that partner considers normal and they'll still have a healthy relationship. So what's the big deal?

You're treating sex as if its standalone. It isn't. Exposing young children to hardcore porn emotionally damages them as well.

Alas this whole issue isn't even remotely as black and white as you think it is.

However it's a parents role to prevent their children viewing unsuitable material not Governments.
[citation needed]

Baran (1976) showed that exposure to pornography led to reduced satisfaction with their own sexuality.

A study by Malamuth and Check (1981) backed up by one by Weisz and Earls(1995) showed that exposure to pornography where women as victims of sexual aggression aroused the women where then shown to have an effect of increasing the acceptance of the use of aggression against women in sexual and nonsexual interactions.

Edit: Sorry missed the bibliography

Baran S J (1976) How TV and Film portrayals affect sexual satisfaction in college students Journalism Quaterly 53
Malamuth N, Check. J (1981) The effects of mass media exposure on acceptance of violence against women. Journal of Research in Personality 15
Weiz, MG, Earls CM (1995) The effects of exposure to filmed sexual violence on attitudes towards rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10
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Well this is it. The only plausible argument I've heard against allowing young'uns to view porn is they might get a warped idea of what sex is, but if we weren't such a prudish society and actually talked about these things, that wouldn't be a problem.

And even if they do get a warped idea of sex... does that matter? If they find a partner who is into that stuff, good for them - let them go at it like horny rabbits. If their partner isn't into that stuff, they'll soon learn what that partner considers normal and they'll still have a healthy relationship. So what's the big deal?

It's not just about if they are into that stuff. I noticed at my last place of work young apprentices (16-18) had a real weird attitude to women and sex. They had seen far too much porn and actually viewed that as normal sex. Like a women was just a trash can for their seed. We have all seen how modern porn films come to a 'climax'. Many of the lads used to naturally think you finished off on the face.

One guy actually binned off a perfectly decent 17 year old girlfriend because he was shocked she had public harir and wasn't as bald as a cue ball all the time. They all seemed to be seeking some sort of perfection they only saw in porn and nuts magazine. A women to dominate and humiliate.

It changed my attitude to what I considered to be just a bit of harmless fun when you see the attitude of so many young men to young girls. Mostly I'm glad I don't have a daughter :D
Surely it's to do with getting an unhealthy idea of what sex is? I mean you sit a 5 year old in front of some hardcore porn what would they think that sex involves?

I would say that was the main reason. I think its important to shield younger persons from this sort of thing but not through government control. :rolleyes:

A 5 year old should never be using the internet unsupervised (net filter or not) - theres a lot more dangerous things out there than porn for young minds.

I don't personally think that exposure to porn from around mid teens or so is particularly unhealthy - I grew up with easy and unfiltered access to the internet from a young age (I'm 31 now) and personally I believe I'm more open and balanced minded because of it.

With the proliferation of wireless and internet enabled mobile devices I don't see how they can stop it anyway - the worlds moved on from being tethered to a modem and a PC for internet access... its just gonna end up with situations where a huddle of kids in a park = them browsing restricted content via their phones using a wireless hotspot setup by another kid who has "borrowed" a phone with unrestricted internet access from someone who doesn't have kids.

It's not just about if they are into that stuff. I noticed at my last place of work young apprentices (16-18) had a real weird attitude to women and sex. They had seen far too much porn and actually viewed that as normal sex. Like a women was just a trash can for their seed. We have all seen how modern porn films come to a 'climax'. Many of the lads used to naturally think you finished off on the face.

One guy actually binned off a perfectly decent 17 year old girlfriend because he was shocked she had public harir and wasn't as bald as a cue ball all the time. They all seemed to be seeking some sort of perfection they only saw in porn and nuts magazine. A women to dominate and humiliate.

It changed my attitude to what I considered to be just a bit of harmless fun when you see the attitude of so many young men to young girls. Mostly I'm glad I don't have a daughter :D

This isn't something new to be honest - a lot of people are naturally closed minded and overly influenced by the environment they grow up in.
It's not just about if they are into that stuff. I noticed at my last place of work young apprentices (16-18) had a real weird attitude to women and sex. They had seen far too much porn and actually viewed that as normal sex. Like a women was just a trash can for their seed. We have all seen how modern porn films come to a 'climax'. Many of the lads used to naturally think you finished off on the face.

One guy actually binned off a perfectly decent 17 year old girlfriend because he was shocked she had public harir and wasn't as bald as a cue ball all the time. They all seemed to be seeking some sort of perfection they only saw in porn and nuts magazine. A women to dominate and humiliate.

It changed my attitude to what I considered to be just a bit of harmless fun when you see the attitude of so many young men to young girls. Mostly I'm glad I don't have a daughter :D

The thing is though, is total ignorance going to be any better?
It's not just about if they are into that stuff. I noticed at my last place of work young apprentices (16-18) had a real weird attitude to women and sex. They had seen far too much porn and actually viewed that as normal sex. Like a women was just a trash can for their seed. We have all seen how modern porn films come to a 'climax'. Many of the lads used to naturally think you finished off on the face.

One guy actually binned off a perfectly decent 17 year old girlfriend because he was shocked she had public harir and wasn't as bald as a cue ball all the time. They all seemed to be seeking some sort of perfection they only saw in porn and nuts magazine. A women to dominate and humiliate.

It changed my attitude to what I considered to be just a bit of harmless fun when you see the attitude of so many young men to young girls. Mostly I'm glad I don't have a daughter :D

My question is though, are people of that age really that sexually illiterate or is it more about male bravado and the kudos of your peers for claiming that you 'took the tradesman's entrance' etc?

Growing up in the age I did (and I'm not done yet by a long shot) I've had an epic exposure to pornography from relatively harmless beaver shots to some properly depraved stuff and I don't think that is overly different from most lads who grew up in the 90s with a dial up modem and a hard on.

Ultimately, porn is designed to get you to do two things: blow money and your load (I never understood why they make hour+ long porno films - seems redundant to me). In the real world, if a lass is kind enough to let you have a crack, the least you can do is let her finish first. :p

Also, I never understood the obsession with a pubic region you can see your reflection in. I actually like to be reminded that I'm going down on somebody who has reached puberty.
[citation needed]

Baran (1976) showed that exposure to pornography led to reduced satisfaction with their own sexuality.

A study by Malamuth and Check (1981) backed up by one by Weisz and Earls(1995) showed that exposure to pornography where women as victims of sexual aggression aroused the women where then shown to have an effect of increasing the acceptance of the use of aggression against women in sexual and nonsexual interactions.

Edit: Sorry missed the bibliography

Baran S J (1976) How TV and Film portrayals affect sexual satisfaction in college students Journalism Quaterly 53
Malamuth N, Check. J (1981) The effects of mass media exposure on acceptance of violence against women. Journal of Research in Personality 15
Weiz, MG, Earls CM (1995) The effects of exposure to filmed sexual violence on attitudes towards rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 10

Cheers. Saved me looking it up it my Pyschology textbooks.
whats weird is that when i look at porn on my phone its fine with it.

i try to go onto a gta forum to sort out a graphical issue and my phones network has blocked me due to adult restrictions.....

just my 2 cents
You're treating sex as if its standalone. It isn't. Exposing young children to hardcore porn emotionally damages them as well.

Alas this whole issue isn't even remotely as black and white as you think it is.

However it's a parents role to prevent their children viewing unsuitable material not Governments.

When you say young, what do you mean? 6? 12? 15? I'd say the latter two would be fine viewing porn if they also had frank and honest parents that they could discuss sex with. I agree though, it's not black and white...
The thing is though, is total ignorance going to be any better?

A half Iranian friend of mine gave me a good Anecdote a while ago. She was over there for 6 months with some young female relatives making a snowman, they then decided to make him a "real man", however none knew what a penis actually looked like... Apparently they just put a square blob down there, much to my friends amusement (these girls were around mid to late teens).

Do we really want that in the UK? Or can we have a frank and open society where sex and nudity is seem as a natural thing that can be discussed and "viewed" openly like many other parts of europe.
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