Day of Infamy

Also worth noting that it's ridiculously easy going on GPUs (at least on my R9 290OC) - had it linked up to my KS7000 4K just for giggles and whilst there was visible tearing at 4k res, it was still very playable.
As much fun as this is it does get really frustrating having ai spawn behind you and kill you @humbug will agree I suspect.

I can't play for more than a hour before I get fed up and have to turn it off
Still play Insurgency everyday just about and picked this up yesterday.
Basically its brilliant and it will be getting some use over the coming months.
I always held back from purchasing Insurgency, I suppose as a casual weekend player, I just felt rather intimidated so I held off.

I have been yearning for an old-school DOD game for years.

When playing DOD in 2001, it remains one of the best games and my fondest game memories. Since then, no other FPS has come close or held the same vibe. I have tried COD and BF but for me, just left me cold. I tried Overwatch recently and being lazy, just jumped in and whilst the game is fun, learning character specialism's and when to deploy weapons for my simple brain - complicated. I just want to logon and game. I admit that I am 100% at fault for being lazy.

So, this game sounds right up my street. Back to basics and will give it a go tonight. I shall report back. :eek:
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