DayZ - Standalone Thread

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Also, agreed. No merge needed.

The epic DayZ thread just centres around servers, hacking and the odd good video on a raid/session. This needs to be separated out as the discussion around the standalone is for a totally different game and experience.
They need to make it so that zombies are less annoying and more satisfying to kill. Making them slow and so that there are more of them would be the best way IMO.

If it's reasonably cheap like £10 or £15 then I'll have no problem giving it a go though.
Im glad that DayZ will be standalone and im hoping it will reach its full potential, since it is a fun game. But i can't help but feel a bit sad for my ARMA2:CO just sitting on my pc now.

I only ever used it for DayZ and i will feel a little bit sad that its just sitting there... especially since i paid £20 for it.
Im glad that DayZ will be standalone and im hoping it will reach its full potential, since it is a fun game. But i can't help but feel a bit sad for my ARMA2:CO just sitting on my pc now.

I only ever used it for DayZ and i will feel a little bit sad that its just sitting there... especially since i paid £20 for it.

There are so many different missions that are running, some better than DayZ. Try Insurgency, Patrol Ops and Wasteland.
There are so many different missions that are running, some better than DayZ. Try Insurgency, Patrol Ops and Wasteland.

Is there a programme that can install and run all these add-ons? I had DayZ commander and well, that was good for DayZ, but i would enjoy a bit of variety.

//Sorry if this has made it off topic.
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I haven't even played Arma II without DayZ. Ages ago it crashed twice and so I never tried again really... I wish there were a client for downloading/installing mods and servers etc.

On-topic: Can't wait for standalone. Hopefully will make it so much more playable :P.
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Most don't need you to download any aditional mods mate. Just join the server and it will download the mission file which contains all you need.

DayZ mastermind Dean “Rocket” Hall already pledged his intention of releasing the standalone version of his hit open-world zombie-em-up “before the end of the year,” but in an interview with VG247, he revealed that his timeframe includes a potential November launch for the alpha.

“I think the most important thing is we deal with hacking, bugs, duping, new content, tidying up some of the features and expanding them a bit,” he said. “I think if we can get that base — by the end of November or December — then that means January and February will be really happy, fun times.”

Hammerpoint Interactive’s The War Z, a similar game whose development has been influenced by DayZ’s design, heads into alpha next week, followed by a closed beta on October 31.

Hall also felt hampered by DayZ’s slowed development time, calling it a “challenge” and a detractor of “how ambitious we can be with the actual content,” but he promised the release date stays unaffected. As for future updates, Hall preferred a three-tiered build rollout, starting with internal testing before inviting the public for QA and finalizing a stable patch.

“Code-wise, the updates will be quite well planned — like Minecraft updates ended up being with update Fridays and all that,” he said. “I think content will come out as it’s done.”
More zombies, slower zombies, all building enterable and do away with hackers or atlest do something to minimise hacking and i will be more than happy.
Yup likewise, everyone knows that it won't come out in a finished state but if it runs better and plays better then that is something people can put up with. If they left it until they got it 100% they would loose a lot of players, so they need to bring it out while their playerbase is still with them and work on it to make it the game they want it to be.
Some new info on the building interior:









Interior work in progress screenshots taken from inside DayZ standalone.

Please note these are work-in-progress shots, with only basic texture work and initial lighting passes. I picked a random town in the game and took screenshots of a few of the houses. The screenshots are taken on “Normal” graphic settings (medium texture resolution) and are unaltered and uncropped.

Our artists have been very busy, methodically going through all buildings in Chernarus and adding interiors. The task can be pretty difficult, when the buildings where made interiors were not considered so it an be a challenge for the artists to make the interiors both look correct and work properly.

The village I used to take the screenshot in now has all its buildings enterable, including the sheds. Most focus has so far been on the buildings that are situated outside of the center, but focus now is turning to doing interiors for the city buildings. This is complicated by our desire to dramatically increase performance, and given the scene complexity inside cities we need to balance this with the desire to increase building scavenging opportunities inside the cities.

This was really just a very quick drop of a few screenshots, I’ll try to put forward some more screenshots of our artists work in the next few weeks.
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