DC Vault

I see DENIS is to be added as well so all that good work in the challenge will help lift our position :)

Also see you are off exploring the universe, I'll go and do a bit more digging at dDM in a little while :D
I see DENIS is to be added as well so all that good work in the challenge will help lift our position :)

Also see you are off exploring the universe, I'll go and do a bit more digging at dDM in a little while :D

I'll probably join you as that project is by far out worst boinc project. I've tested out universe, so I will be hitting that soon, along with ogr-27, primaboinca, enigma, yoyo & numberfields, I keep thinking about have a serious go at them, so many to keep me going.
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I've set NNT on dDM for the moment !

Had quite a lot of errors today on a machine that is also working fine on other dDM work. Have posted on their forum and will wait to see what they say.

Still had no response to last night's post which isn't urgent at all but it has had only 3 views, 2 by me and you were probably the other one ?

Website is appallingly slow to navigate and load :mad:
I've set NNT on dDM for the moment !

Had quite a lot of errors today on a machine that is also working fine on other dDM work. Have posted on their forum and will wait to see what they say.

Still had no response to last night's post which isn't urgent at all but it has had only 3 views, 2 by me and you were probably the other one ?

Website is appallingly slow to navigate and load :mad:

Wasn't me, but you have 4 views now :) I have to say I haven't experienced any of those problems.
What's NNT?
It quite often takes over 20 seconds to update a page. I quite often move to other tabs and refresh them, read anything new and finish that before the dDM page has updated. It was like this last year when I used it, I remember why I stopped at 100k now.

All the tasks have finished, 221 okay, 6 pending which will be okay and 34 failed. Still no response to either posts :(
DDM pages are coming up just fine here. No 20+ second waits.

Edit: I take that back. The links going to people's profiles seem to be slower, but navigating the rest of the site seemed normal.
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Hmm twice now in two days I've ran out of work on dDM.
Not a good start.

What did the server status page and your event log say at the time of running out? Currently the server status page has over 100k work units to send (unless the page isn't accurate). I just ask so that we have an idea of how far we can trust that page. Nico specifically created more work units knowing it would be added this past weekend.
I should have worded it more accurate, I don't think it's the case of them running out but problems with the upload server, currently now I can't upload because of a "transient HTTP error" and I can't download any more as I have too many uploads pending.
I am regularly seeing these two errors on their website (after a long delay)...

Due to maintenance the dDM Back-End-Server is temporarily unreachable! Statistics and BOINC functions won't be available.


Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

It isn't during their scheduled maintenance periods either. Sometimes a refresh will then display the page instantly (but not that often).

I tried Chrome and IE on 2 different machines, also on mobile, occasionally it will work almost straight away but generally it is taking a long time to display a page.
I'm also now seeing this error...

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /DistributedDataMining/results.php.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

Had this several times when trying to bring up the list of Error tasks. Getting into the profile and clicking Tasks took about 10 seconds each, but after clicking on Error it spins for about 4 minutes before the above error appears :(
I will PM Nico to see what he has to say. Please continue to report findings. If this is an ongoing issue he can't resolve, we may have to pull it already...
PDW did you know about the crunch3r opt app & client for primaboinca?

edit: whilst on the subject of primaboinca, it may be pulled, they've started to introduce invitation codes, but aren't forthcoming with them.

No, I didn't, but I have been and found his page about it thanks.
Although he hasn't altered the original app do you know if there was any discussion with the project admin at the time ? Did they say anything or is it assumed to be okay ?
Would need to check rolling back to an old version won't affect the CERN/Vbox stuff I do though.

Yes, noticed it was now restricted to account holders only when I put the machine on it. Not the fastest admins in the world so can see why it will be pulled.
No, I didn't, but I have been and found his page about it thanks.
Although he hasn't altered the original app do you know if there was any discussion with the project admin at the time ? Did they say anything or is it assumed to be okay ?
Would need to check rolling back to an old version won't affect the CERN/Vbox stuff I do though.

I only know what I read in the message boards, the bizarre discussion where he asked for the source code, and them accused him of changing the server rules to not allow anonymous platform but it seems okay, I went from around 1h 45min to 1hr 15 mins per work unit.
I only know what I read in the message boards, the bizarre discussion where he asked for the source code, and them accused him of changing the server rules to not allow anonymous platform but it seems okay, I went from around 1h 45min to 1hr 15 mins per work unit.

Yes, similar sort of improvement in speed, just over 20% :)

However, whilst the Vbox tasks resumed when I started Boinc up with the older version the new 24 hour task hasn't started and is telling me to update to the latest Boinc version :(

Will try a few things.

Was going to ask you about GIMPS and how they validated the work done given it is so easy just to make stuff up :eek:

Looking at yesterday's stats it looks like some people do just that, and today's was even worse :eek::eek:
The bit of work I returned is dwarfed by at least a trillion billion million times what someone on the GIMPS.Russia team turned in.

Their forum are aware of these results but the overall impression I'm left with is that if you want to cheat and do it at a low level and don't go mad you aren't going to get found out. Would that be the right impression ?
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