DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
looks good but I hope there is some sort of change to DCS World with it that fits with the right period

otherwise -for me - "meh" - I bought P51 in the sale - and nice as it is - just doesn't fit right in the game world

I don't know why they don't either

(1) stick to aircraft/helicopters that are all in same period

(2) make each expansion their own game world

otherwise :( don't see the point

Cost and time are the main issues - however that said, they are building the tools for 3rd parties to develop their own terrain. They are building these along with the new graphics engine to arrive with the Nevada Terrain module.

Eventually the idea is that you can purchase, say Vietnam, and any of the Vietnam era modules you are interested in. Same is intended for WW2 stuff. It is still early days in the DCS concept.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I can see both sides to the argument on that one.

I'm interested though, Nate. What sort of capability does the UH-1 offer? If I was to purchase it, I would be looking at what it brings to the table in MP, infantry transport, for example.

Not sure at present, it is only a beta currently - full release has things like

Multiplayer coop mode for crew members of the same helicopter under development for a later update.


I know the underlying AI for troops is being worked on but I can't say with any certainty how it will fully develop - I believe currently in 1.2.3 is possible to get the AI to run to your chopper when you land with a bit of scripting in the Mission editor.

On another note - a Beta version of the manual is available,


20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
They make a ton of money selling the addon aircraft, improvements to the sim engine should be free.

I see where you are misinterpreting things. The New Graphics engine is what is behind the Nevada Terrain module (Hence the wait). It doesn't apply to anything other than Nevada (and future terrains).

Nevada is a module you have to purchase, A-10 beta users bought it already, why should it be free?

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I think Nate the comments were in relation to your sentence that said that Nevada would possibly be released with a new graphics engine - its this latter part that seemed to spark concerns

Ah OK, perhaps I am not being very clear - apologies.

Nevada is built on the new engine. The current Black Sea terrain will be unchanged. So, if you have Nevada,you fly about in the new engine, only in Nevada. The Black Sea remains largely as it now.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Ah, so this new engine is only for the Nevada map then ? bit of a weird decision

Not really when you consider why it is being redone. The Current map and graphics engine was designed (and then extended) with the limitations of 32bit address spaces in mind. This is a limiting factor in how much stuff you can fit in a given area. This also has a limiting factor on the amount vertices you can attribute to stuff like the terrain mesh and other objects in the game world.

Currently the Black sea map/terrain engine is at the very limit of it's capabilities. There isn't any more address space to fit stuff in.

To simply plonk the Black sea into the new engine would yield little benefit, it would look much the same. In order to truly benefit, the terrain that will use the engine has to built from scratch. As there will be (effectively) no limitations, the terrain can be any size and be exponentially more detailed.

The only real limitation is memory space. This also the reason why all DCS will be moving to 64bit only in the near future.

Originally the Nevada terrain was a 3rd party project that failed. ED took it over and restarted it from from scratch, but it could never be done in time for the A-10 release, so it was used as a test bed for the new engine.

I hope that makes thing clearer.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
ah ok - fair enough

as long as all new aircraft work in the "old" DCS World - then all good

ahahahaha, you know they won't do that.

Actually the current design means the aircraft Modules are self contained for the most part. It doesn't matter to them where they fly. The choice of terrain is transparent to the aircraft modules.

excellent that they are moving to 64bit only

Does this now mean that the retarded excuse that they could not allow you
to change key settings in game (because they have never figured out dynamic link libraries) is now done away with and we can now look forward to being able to change key binding in game
(as every other game since the dawn of time has been able to do so?)

Not sure Key bindings have anything to do with going 64bit.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
If I recall correctly, LOMAC did not have this feature either.

It is good to know they plan to move in this direction though.

I swear, you do more PR than their own PR department, Nate. Actually, do they even have one? :p

You're right, Lomac didn't have it, but the GUI and the Game engine were integrated such that it would have been feasible. Currently it isn't possible in DCS, until the GUI is merged back into the main program.

PR? ED? Sometimes seems as if it's an alien concept to them :) The other Developers for DCS seem to be much more forthcoming with info.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Stuff that is coming, for those not getting the Huey, in 1.2.4.

DCS 1.2.4 Preliminary Change Log


Version 1.2.4 New Features
AI Fw-190D9 with multiple skins.
Graphical User Interface. New skin panels.
Graphical User Interface. New Module Manager.
Flaming Cliffs 3. New Six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) cockpits for the Su-25, Su-27 and A-10A.
Flaming Cliffs 3. Added vertical adjustments to the Su-25 gunsight for bomb, rocket, and missiles delivery. This includes 10 steps down [RALT - H] and 10 steps up [RSHIFT - H].
Combined Arms. Added radar emission control. Key . This allows players to operate SAM radars in radar-silent mode.
Combined Arms. Generic automatic transmission.
Combined Arms. Axis controls for ground units implemented.
The Radio Menu F10 option now works in network games.
New trigger actions: "radio item add for coalition", "radio item remove for coalition", "radio item add for group", and "radio item remove for group".
New Mission Editor features:
-Initialization Script Added
-Trigger Action: AI TASK renamed to AI SET TASK
-Trigger Action: AI PUSH TASK added
-Trigger Action: Set Flag Value added
-Trigger Action: Set Internal Cargo added
-Group LUA condition and % chance of appearance added
Numerous SSE changes and new features. http://en.wiki.eagle.ru/wiki/Main_Page

DCS World
Some issues causing network instability have been fixed.
Improved air-to-air missile performance.
The missiles dynamic launch zone of fighters has been adjusted.
The T-90 tank added the Encyclopedia.
Fixed some Mission Editor and GUI crashes.
Il-76 damage model has been corrected.
Tail numbers stencil shimmering for the Il-76 model is fixed.
The standard Russian Air Force MiG-31 skin is fixed.
In ME airfield info page now includes airfield ATC frequency.
Fixed ME issue regarding statics.
Mission debrief. Accounting of released weapons has been corrected.
Rearming & Refueling Window. The chaff and flare fields can increase countermeasures amount.
Resource Manager (RM) - Smoke generators being duplicated in RM airbase weapons window has been fixed.
Resource Manager (RM) - Increased the maximum storage fuel limit to 5,000 tons for each airbase.
AI A-10 will no longer shoot all Mavericks at a single target.
Axis assignments will print to input .html file
ME inability to save file into mods folders has been fixed.
Pilot skins added to the E-3A.
The S-5 rocket warhead changed from HE to shaped-charge.
Corrected valid firing azimuth for FSG "Molniya".
New, more accurate, missile dynamics for the SA-19 Tunguska.
Airfield marks disappearing after pressing "Cancel" on "Coalitions" window has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where AI aircraft and vehicles set invisible = true, then set invisible = false, the ground AI vehicles still could not be detected.
Fixed situation if player sets options to "pilot can control vehicle" and the mission doesn't have an aircraft, player can't control units.
Fixed ME error when clicking a certain area in the track playback menu.
F10 Radio item or add for coalition ALL has been removed.
Fixed coalition helicopters unable to take off from aircraft carrier if "takeoff from ramp" condition is selected.
Rearm and refuel menus have been removed. "Rearm & Refuel" command will now open Mission Resources Dialog.
CG-60 Normandy will now attack Anti-Ship Missiles (ASM).
Waypoint actions "Weapon hold" has been fixed.
Helicopters sinking when they takeoff from an aircraft carrier has been fixed.
Fixed S-300 launches not being shown in the de-brief.
The COMM option status will now save in the mission.
Fixed AI not always attacking targets during intercept task.
Corrected ROE behavior issues.
Fixed Tunguska tracking targets through buildings.
Fixed server crashes, when one client fires an air-to-air missile and other client joins the game.
Fixed F-16C Bl52d having old (Flanker) icon style on F10 view.
Fixed incorrect aspect when recording video in 1280*720.
ME. Some issues with copying, renaming and removing payloads has been fixed.
Fixed helicopter AI ROE and threat reaction.
Corrected air to Air ATGM delivery by AI Ka-50s.
Fixed the inability to respawn if the aircraft flies into the ground.
Fixed severe framerate drop when looking at destroyed civilian train.
Fixed the OK button not working when a campaign is finished.
Fixed crash when rocket collides with ground (fullscreen only).
Adjusted framerate impact of smoke from burning aircraft.
Fixed AWACS not performing stop task.
Improved Sorbcija ECM pod model.
Improved the ejection model for the A-10A/C and F-15C.
Corrected scale of F-15C external fuel tanks.
New skins for the Su-27 and Su-33.
Improved sounds for several aircraft including the F-15C and Su-27.

DCS: A-10C Warthog
LITENING TGP masking logic has been restored.
Corrected MFCD start-up screen wrong color.
Fixed AI wingman failing to engage target at Player SPI if AI is not aware/in range of target.
Fixed LASTE Wind Edit data entry.
Fixed Gun Minimum Range Cue Behavior.
Fixed HUD Air speed indicator will TAS in GS mode.
HSI course knob will now rotate the course pointer with or without power.
Turn Rate Indicator has been calibrated.
Fixed the CDU Wind Indication Direction being reversed.
Several A-10 callsigns have been corrected.

DCS: P-51D Mustang
Escort task added to the P-51D.
Corrected incorrect fairing door animation.
Fixed chassis damage after press RAlt+J on the ground.
Fixed DXrenderer error in dsc.log with serial numbers and pilot textures.
Fixed demo track 'takeoff-demo.trk'.
Fixed error when in-game manual is selected.
Fixed drop tanks of P-51D are not synchronized in Multiplayer.

Flaming Cliffs 3

This will be the final release version. Price will change to $49.99.
Added kneeboard input to flyable aircraft.
MiG-29S TWS2 mode is now fixed.
Added intro image to Su-33 "Sea Dragon" campaign.
A-10A AOA Indexer now works.
Corrected some minor issues with the new 3D Su-27 model.
Corrected wingmen maneuvers when turning.
Fixed wingmen not turning off radar when commanded to do so.
Fixed Su-27 campaign mission typos.
Pilot models are now correct.
Fixed F-15C Fuel Tank Pylon indication on MFD.
Fixed tanker not filling external F-15C fuel tanks.
Fixed Su-33 getting stuck near island on the Kuznetsov deck.
Corrected MiG-29 HUD indications.

DCS: Combined Arms
Replaced the old generic gun sight with a new one.
Adjusted some generic HUD symbology.
Fixed player controlled MLRS reloading troubles.
Fixed units not resuming previous movement after player takes control.
Fixed air defense units with HOLD FIRE ROE not going from ALARM STATE RED to ALARM STATE GREEN when commanded.
Added option for Automatic Transmission in CA Special Options.
Adjusted the drag factor of Russian AP tank shells.
Fixed ability to set the Ready state of AI flights.
Fixed ground unit control HUD compass missing from the wide displays.
Fixed Alarm State Green for radars revealing radar targets.
Adjusted M1A2 side armor.
"F10" view. AI aircraft can now land based on ground force commander commands.
Fixed night vision only being available off/on outside of binocular view.
Fixed the Go To command.
Fixed Chaparral target lock issue.
Axis controls for ground units implemented.

DCS: Black Shark 2
Corrected missing Ka-50 textures in some missions.
Fixed Ka-50 wingman calls "engaging enemy air defenses" while evading incoming missile.
Fixed Ka-50 training missions showing in training section, as they are only available through the download link.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
For this that haven't heard yet - the Huey is out.



20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Looks like I missed all the fun last night :)

I'd be happy if these were, say 10-15 quid each. Ideal for non-LOMAC owners. It would be even nicer if they decide to back port the AFM into FC3, but I won't hold my breath.

A sort of 2nd part to that update.

A few notes based on my skimming of this thread:

1- There has been no decision regarding pricing yet.

2- There has been no decision regarding discounts to current FC3 customers or including the advanced flight models as a free FC3 update. This is certainly something that we will be discussing internally over the coming weeks.

3- Trying to place a release date around one of the high-fidelity aircraft modules would only be an educated guess that would more likely than not bite us in the butt later if the date was missed and features changed. The same applies to any sort of public "road map" that would even more likely change. We're not going down that road again.

4- Regarding the change in the 03 May 2013 language, plans change or new information comes to light that will modify previously expressed plans and intentions. While we want to better provide you earlier news of upcoming products, the price is that at times our plans and intentions will change. For instance, I only learned of the feature intentions of the F-15C and Su-27 a very short time ago. The alternative is that we go back to only discussing new products once they are 100% final. Your actions will determine my decision.

5- The new F-15C and Su-27 have no significant impact on the development of the high-fidelity module aircraft. In fact, they benefit them by bringing in additional income to fund that development.

6- We understand and fully empathize with the desire of many members here for high-fidelity module aircraft ASAP. Rest assured that they are coming and we are certainly not delaying them in favor of lesser fidelity modules. However, it seems some here vastly underestimate the amount of time and money it takes to create one of these.

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