DCS: A-10C Warthog (first screens!)

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
So you guys have accepted to pay for a patch? and you thank them for it...



DCS:-World is free.

EDIT:-Should read the thread first - No it wasn't simply a "patch" - It was almost 2 years work and considerably improved the product. But if you don't feel its worth it don't buy it. No is forcing you to.

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20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
DCS:- World Beta updated to v1.1.2.1 + Changelogs for A-10 and BS2 (Release will be soon)


• Orange (missing texture) models.
• Crash on destruction of SAM units.
• Disappearance of payloads after game is un-paused game.
• New music.
• Manual s added to installer.
• Crash on some missions start.
• Multiplayer login problems.
• Repair aircraft by player request only.
• Control surfaces synchronized over network.
• Improved P-51D cooling system.
• Crash after sinking IFV BMP-3.
• Sound crackling.
• P-51D purchase icon added to DCS: World.

A-10 + Black Shark (Soon)

• Integration into DCS World
• Implemented several measures to prevent network DoS-attacks.
• Implemented initial resource manager.
• Added third-party models: watchtower and corrected power lines pylon.

• The easy communication radio menu is now opened with the [\] key.
• The realistic communication radio menu is now opened with the [RAlt - \] key.

A-10C Fixes
• Ground shadow z-fighting when viewed from within the cockpit.
• JTAC's IR pointer misses the target.
• Constantly repeated radio reports from wingmen, particularly after leader landing.
• A-10C flight A-10C takeoff from runway. Wingmen would suddenly "freeze" between air and ground.
• Fuel Quantity Gauge is always on.
• Some buttons became non-clickable when view is zoomed.
• Altimeter ELECT/PNEU switch inoperable.
• JTACs sorted by range in radio menu.
• Several electrical devices in cockpit not working properly.

Ka-50 Fixes
• Initial collective pitch is corrected.
• Several missing text message from wingmen.
• Wingmen take-off rejection in some cases.
• Buttons and switches could become non-clickable in some cockpit view locations.
• Both engine over-speed failure lights on at mission start.
• Some dials are not affected by lighting conditions.
• Certain wing payloads no longer stay with helicopter after the wing is destroyed.
• Most radio options are greyed-out with easy comms.

• AXIS TUNE button sometimes not being active after assignment.
• Periodic crash when changing gameplay options.
• Mouse cursor sometimes being invisible in game.
• Crash after a collision with a civilian traffic object.
• Crash when a ship is destroyed.
• Possible crash on mission load if civilian traffic is present in the mission.
• Multiplayer chat key stops working.
• "Red" Oliver Hazard Perry more powerful compared to "Blue" assignment.
• Su-33 flight leader doesn't taxi on the deck.
• After starting a mission, setting "BARIC SYSTEM" is reset to "CYCLONE".
• Modifier Switch Function missing.
• MLRS M270. Strange aiming logic.
• BGM-109B Tomahawk. Incorrect flight model.
• MBT Leopard-2. Inaccurate collision model.
• E-3 model that resulted in refueling error.
• Tanks don't open fire when on the move.
• Possible client hang after connect to server.
• MP client slots stay unusable for a long period of time if the previous client timed out.
• Terrain object incorrect water reflections.
• The Tu-160 and Tu-22 landing without landing gear.
• SA-11. After a salvo launch from two launchers, the missiles collide.
• JTAC use of "TERMINATE" communication.
• Simulator hang when a mission contains a Chaparral SAM.
• Tornado IDS. GUI error when the set bombing point is a waypoint actions.
• Possible crash when a SAM missile hits a Su-33.
• Any aircraft assigned to "Bombing Runway" will not attack and simply go to the next waypoint.
• JTACs appearing with the same number in radio list, if there are more than four of them in the mission with the same callsign.
• Missing tunnel entrance texture.
• Nalchik airbase runway defects.
• Mineralnye Vody airbase runway and taxiway problems.
• Tuned AI aircraft refueling behavior.
• Ctrl+S calls SAVE AS dialogue instead of saving file immediately.
• Rockets are removed from fuselage hardpoints of Su-27/30/33/34.
• Minvody airbase, tuned lights on the western edge of runway (RW 12).
• APC and AAA not attacking ships.
• APC MTLB firing sound continues after unit has stopped firing.
• Ships open fire on infantry at distance of 15 km.
• PAPI lights at Batumi were in the wrong position.
• Aircraft shelters' self shading is tuned.
• Increased the explosive mass of Grad rocket warhead to full warhead mass, from 12 to 18.4.
• SA-9 target detection has been adjusted.
• Air defense re-target to priority target.
• LVTP-7 large aiming errors.
• FSG Molniya gun barrel jitter when aiming.
• Multiplayer. Water starts flickering when mission is restarted.
• Adjusted terrain avoidance for some AI aircraft that were wildly over-exaggerating maneuvers, making them unable to fly set course.
• Multiplayer. Possible client not hearing response from Tanker.
• Several minor bugs in Mission Editor.
• Possible situation of SAMs not engaging targets if ships are present in the mission.
• Kuznetsov aircraft carrier deck lighting.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
The Beta Versions of the A-10 Warthog and Ka-50 Black Shark modules for DCS:-World are available now.

A-10C Warthog and Black Shark 2 Beta Modules ( for DCS: World

Open betas of A-10C Warthog ( and Black Shark 2 ( modules for DCS: World are released. Download links can be found at the bottom of the download pages, right before BitTorrent files.


Prior to installing the modules, you must first have DCS World installed. You may download from here:


Please note that the open beta of Black Shark 2 module is only for the standalone version. Serial numbers of the upgrade version will not work. The module of Black Shark 2 upgrade version will be released later after release of the final versions of the modules.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Woo hoo no milking of the cash cow this time

Bit sad that the people who were the first to support ED by buying black shark 1
and then upgrading/patching to black shark 2 are going to have to wait a while
(hopefully not the same amount of time we have been waiting for the mythical Neveda) before they can get in on the fun :(

Yeah, not a good decision IMO.

20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
The press release for DCS:-Combined Arms and some pics

DUXFORD, UK, May 31st 2012 – The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics will offer DCS: Combined Arms as a digital download pre-purchase for $29.99 in June 2012. Pre-purchase also provides access to pre-release Beta versions of the title.

DCS: Combined Arms gives the user control of ground forces during the battle. Use the strategic map to move ground forces, set artillery fire missions, and control the ground battle. Assume the role of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and designate targets for close air support aircraft, or directly control an armor vehicles or air defense weapons and engage enemy forces.

Play DCS: Combined Arms as a real time strategy game, a first person armor warfare simulation, or direct the ground battle from the cockpit of a DCS aircraft like the A-10C Warthog, Ka-50 Black Shark, or P-51D Mustang.

DCS: Combined Arms supports both single player and multiplayer gameplay. When in multiplayer, different players can take on different roles such as artillery commanders, tank commanders, pilots, JTACS, etc. DCS: Combined Arms allows you full control of the battle. All roles can be changed dynamically during the battle.

Features of the DCS: Combined Arms:

• Move ground forces and direct their fire during a mission.
• Be the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) and direct close air support.
• Jump into the seat of many armor and air defense units to engage enemy air and ground forces.
• Play in both single player and multiplayer games.
• Both small and large scale battle missions included.
• Part of DCS World

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFN1iFfvVG8

About The Fighter Collection

The Fighter Collection, as well as developing software for the entertainment and serious game markets, also operates, rebuilds and maintains Europe's largest collection of airworthy WWII fighters and is based at Duxford Airfield, in the UK. For more information visit our websites: http://www.fighter-collection.com/



Resize images please.
20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
More good news, IRIS simulations (of FSX fame) are now developing aircraft modules for DCS


As it stands at the moment, we're one of a handful of 3rd party developers permitted to develop for DCS World. As has been stated to us, both IRIS and ED/TFC are in very early days with regards to 3rd party integration and we're both eager to see how the development process goes on both sides of the fence. We're also very enthusiastic to see developments progress..

All that being said, ED only has so much resources available to them, and they have to continue developments to DCS, do their own in-house product range and and other high priority things. In amongst that, they now have to develop an SDK (aka DCS development for dummies!) and hand hold a few choice 3rd party devs as we all work on our products.

Given all the above, it was made quite clear to our team by myself that it's pretty much a dive in the deep end and swim deal.. :) We have to come in and learn how things are done, how systems are coded, how flight models and audio are handled and much more. That's why we're focusing on building up as much knowledge from the community as possible.

So our thought process was thus.... Initially we thought "Great, let's do a fantastic in depth A-10C level of detail aircraft...." a few days later, we thought "Bugger, how are we going to do that when we're still learning how to put planes into DCS!"

After discussing with TFC and going over the business side of things, we're all of the opinion that it's far more beneficial to start simple and progressively increase complexity of products as a. our knowledge increases and b. ED's resources become more available.

Don't get me wrong, we're totally blown away by the support that ED/TFC are providing. We've worked with developers who've shown far less willingness to share information and assistance. We just aren't going to bite off more than we can chew..not at this stage.

So, the mindset in Team IRIS at the moment is as follows....

We develop our first aircraft for DCS which will likely be something fun yet simple. From this, we learn where we can improve, and what you as the customers want to see. Some thoughts are towards the Open Beta idea which TFC have encouraged. This allows us to provide a staggered product release over time, allowing us to get product to the customer earlier, and upgrade it as our skills and knowledge improve.

A prime example of this would be the development of a MFD system... initially, an aircraft might come with a single screen option without the possibility of changing screens, but as knowledge improves, you may see more depth to systems as upgrade patches etc.

As I said earlier, this is a learning experience for us. We know we're the new kids on the block with DCS, and whilst we're having great fun learning this platform and enjoying finally having a combat platform for our combat planes in, we're relying heavily on what you'd like to see.

If what you'd like to see fits into what we have the ability to produce, then that makes me a happy man. :)


20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Just ******* awesome!!!


Okay, we've had the green light from TFC to let you all know the products we have planned from the IRIS team over the next 3 year development cycle.
(I hope they won't take that long to make! lol)

Contracts have been signed for the following products;

IRIS F-15E Strike Eagle for DCS World
IRIS F-22 Raptor for DCS World
IRIS F-14D Tomcat for DCS World

I will say that the F-15E is being developed with the intention of being submitted to ED as a DCS branded product (ie. DCS: F-15E Strike Eagle) and of course will be one of the longest to develop.

The F-22 will be looking at making use of the AFM for thrust vectoring and we'll be discussing this further with ED.

The F-14D is likely to be the first completed aircraft from the stable if all goes well.

We will be looking at the best way to develop these products from a business perspective over the coming weekend after a team meeting.

There MAY be another project being added to the list as a fourth product was dropped from the list at the last moment. We'll let you know when we know.. ;)

Anyway, have fun... it's nearly 1am here and I need to get away from this PC.. I'll see you all tomorrow..

Ciao folks..


20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Another Developer to develop for DCS...

Virtual European Air Operations is pleased to announce our development strategy for DCS.
First, a little about VEAO (yes I know, you want me to cut to the chase).

We have been around since 2005 developing models for FC1.12a and FC2, specifically the BAE Hawk and Eurofighter Typhoon.

The Hawk has been used by the Virtual Red Arrows aerobatic display team since then and has had a few updated versions through FC1 and Flaming Cliffs 2 into the incarnation that we currently use today and more recently featured on our latest video showing the 3d cockpit.

The Typhoon was developed specifically for the RAF Recruitment team for use at the Waddington International Airshow back in 2009 and 2010.

Two pilots from 3 squadron in front of the head-to-head challenge at Waddington

Since then we have been developing further for FC2, including a 3d cockpit with MFD and HUD integration. Due to a few snags and limited hard coded functionality we decided to continue with development in anticipation of the release of DCS and stop further FC2 development.

As you can imagine, the Typhoon is going to be a big challenge. Therefore we have decided to develop and release the BAE Hawk first.
Os others have said before us, we need to take baby steps. Learning how we can fully integrate into the DCS World and give you the experience you want, and deserve.

We have an excellent team that have a lot of experience making mods for FC1 and FC2 and a lot of this knowledge has already been easily transferred into DCS. But there is still much to learn, much to remodel, much to re-skin, much to get the flight model right, etc etc.

So our development plan is simple yet robust and will give the fidelity that you want and deserve.

Our first development is the BAE Hawk T.1A trainer.Why the Hawk? Well first, simply its the jet we have modelled, skinned and fully working in FC2 and has the simplest of features to get working in DCS as the cockpit is mostly analogue. It allows us to get into the inner workings of DCS and allows us to produce a high quality product without having to get too technical with MFCD functionality, advanced radar dynamics, etc.

Secondly, it's the fast jet trainer that the RAF (and other air forces) use for pilots getting into the Fast Jet Programme. This also fits in with our ACTS concept which I'll talk about a little later.

We have also discussed producing the Hawk Mk. 128 T2 variant.
The Mk. 128 includes modern LCD displays instead of conventional instrumentation, and allows preparation for flying modern fighter aircraft, particularly the all "glass" Typhoon.

And so, on to my favourite jet, the Eurofighter Typhoon. Ever since our first developments back in 2008 for the RAF Recruitment team we have loved working on this aircraft. She is complex as hell, flies like a bat out of hell and quite frankly is a match for any other aircraft in the world, even putting the Raptor to hard work in recent exercises.

This baby is going to be a beast to build into DCS and one hell of a challenge, but it's going to be great fun!!

We will start with an early tranche, most likely the Block 1 moving onto Tranche 2 and Tranche 3 with complex Air-to-Ground systems and full DCS integration.

And onto ACTS as I mentioned earlier. The Air Combat Training School was something we came up with for a proposal to the RAF back in 2010. Due to budget cuts and other factors it never took off (excuse the intended pun). The ACTS fits in line with the current RAF Fast Jet training programme utilising the Hawk and then moving onto the Typhoon. We feel that this is important in the development and learning of the two aircraft systems and capabilities and elements of ACTS will be built into the core VEAO modules.

As other development teams have mentioned, DCS is a big learning curve for all of us. However, the VEAO ethos is to always share what we have learnt to allow others to create and I have spoken briefly to other teams about knowledge sharing to allow development paths to be aligned rather than going out and all finding the same things by ourselves.

We will post regular updates and eye candy and we will listen to your comments, suggestions and wishes.

]Please also visit our forums at www.veao.eu[/COLOR] and keep an eye on Facebook updates.

I hope you are as excited at these times as we are, with all of the development work going on to give us all great products to fly in awesome simulator.

Best wishes
Chris Ellis
VEAO Founder

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20 Jul 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I hope not, the Su-25 is a far far heavier aircraft. Note this has just been announced a few hours ago and is in the earliest of early stages, but apparently, they are working on their own flight model according to this Dev Diary entry.....

7th June 2012
Work began on DCS World with icons and background images.
Controller input profiles checked and verified.
External flight surface, brake and gear animations all checked and verified.
Work on the cockpit continued with guage animations and flight control animations.
RAF Red Arrows skin added to the mod pack with testing.
Work on the Flight Model continues.

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