Dead Motherboard?

19 Aug 2009
Went to go on the computer after work and went to power on and nothing. no life at all not even a little light or a slight fan spin just nothing. Last used on Sunday and shutdown fine.

The system is
x570 tomahawk
32gb (4x8) corsair 3600mhz
2x 1tb m.2 ssd
zotac 3080
750w psu

So far I've tried the following

Resetting Cmos battery
one stick of ram
different psu
shorting the pins on the MB to power on
rebuilding outside the case
resitting the cpu
removed the ssds

Am I right in thinking that the MB has just died? any other things I can do to confirm it is that?
Went to go on the computer after work and went to power on and nothing. no life at all not even a little light or a slight fan spin just nothing. Last used on Sunday and shutdown fine.

The system is
x570 tomahawk
32gb (4x8) corsair 3600mhz
2x 1tb m.2 ssd
zotac 3080
750w psu

So far I've tried the following

Resetting Cmos battery
one stick of ram
different psu
shorting the pins on the MB to power on
rebuilding outside the case
resitting the cpu
removed the ssds

Am I right in thinking that the MB has just died? any other things I can do to confirm it is that?
You might be right, have you been OC'ing previously?. Try a different stick of RAM, what psu have you got and how old?
If it was component related then you’d expect to see the post lights on the motherboard. Does the power-switch work? I know it did, but have you tried either the reset switch in it’s place or jumpering the pins on the mobo?
If it was component related then you’d expect to see the post lights on the motherboard. Does the power-switch work? I know it did, but have you tried either the reset switch in it’s place or jumpering the pins on the mobo?
And yes mate I've tried to jump it on the pins with a screwdriver with both psus and no luck unfortunately
Tried taking CMOS battery out for at least 30 minutes?
My x570 auros looked dead as a dodo
Tried stuff for hours nothing worked
Just about to RMA it and removed the CMOS battery
As a last resort
Had previously removed it but only for 5 minutes
Left it out 30 minutes
And the board sprang to life
Did you check voltage of "BIOS" battery?
(/try new battery)

Yeah 3.1Vs

Tried taking CMOS battery out for at least 30 minutes?
My x570 auros looked dead as a dodo
Tried stuff for hours nothing worked
Just about to RMA it and removed the CMOS battery
As a last resort
Had previously removed it but only for 5 minutes
Left it out 30 minutes
And the board sprang to life

Well the new board turned up and still dead as a dodo, Im guessing that the cpu has died then? anything else to try before I throw it at the wall?
Test with no CPU
See if any sign of life
If not test with no ram
Modern motherboard usually allows bios flash
Without those installed
So while you won't get a display
You should see signs of life
Like diagnostic LEDs,chipset fan if got one, flashing light
On bios flash button etc
Test with no CPU
See if any sign of life
If not test with no ram
Modern motherboard usually allows bios flash
Without those installed
So while you won't get a display
You should see signs of life
Like diagnostic LEDs,chipset fan if got one, flashing light
On bios flash button etc

thats a good point i forgot that they can be flashed with no cpu now days, ill have a look tomorrow after work. cheers
quick update. took the cmos batter out the old mb about an hour ago. just tried before bed shorting the power pins and she spun up with one ramstick and no cpu. will it be okay to stick the cpu in with no cooler just to see if i can get to bios? cant be dealing with moving a h100i about and no smaller cpu cooler unfortunately
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