Ch Products. Fighterstick USB. It has a built in throttle, but is better matched with the Pro Throttle USB. Expensive mind.
OK I suck at getting kills on LOMAC Even simple ground vehicles! Can someone please give me a few tips?
For example I will fly at a nice angle over a convoy of vehicles with a steady aim and shoot them with that meaty cannon and it rarely does anything. Should I only use that on light-armoured vehicles? Same with the missiles really. The amount of spread is quite annoying as you basically have to approach convoys at a weird angle and hope the two missiles released hit two different targets. Can you change that? Any tips if you cannot? Bombing is a pain also I'm doing it by eye at the moment. Is there any way to actually aim where they land with some kind of instrument in the aircraft?
I love the game, I'm just **** at the mo
Thank you very much!
I can see multiplayer being amazing; very skill orientated.
As for the A-10, have to tried using the AGM-65 Maverick?
If you are having trouble hitting targets with unguided weapons, go into the mission editor, put a few Russian cargo ships in the sea and target those.
All this talk of sims.... Has anyone got any recommendations for a decent stick? I'm keen on either the Avi8tor with dual throttle and fancy toggle switches, or the Saitek force feedback which looks sturdy and if you work with flight sims all day you know what's missing... My dog chewed the cable on my ancient MS Sidewinder Precision and my pc or laptop have no gameport/midi outputs (shame, as I also have a Suncom F15 throttle sitting on a shelf).
Hmm my wingman refuses to attack targets in campaigns. I will lock-on to a target with the TVM display and then order him to engage my enemy but he just says negative. If I tell him to attack my target he doesn't even respond. Does anyone know why this is?
That's not a 'sim' is it
IL2 1946, you know it makes sense
IL 1946 is all you need.
What if your need is to be part of, and for your actions to have an effect, on a 24/7 war? IL is quality but WWII Online has more of what you might need.
The go play on one of the online wars available for IL2, with the fact of mission planning being required it is a far more authentic expierience that WWII Online which just becomes arcade in comparison.