Nice work on the bench, I must say it has come along really nicely for you!
I am hoping to bring my bench up to speed while still pushing forward with my deadlifts.
My squats I want to really nail the form as I realise although it's not bad I still need improve the overall balance and explosiveness.
Just gotta hope that this issue I picked up turns out to be minor and fixable.
Sorry bit of a me ramble there lol.
When is your surgery due? And how long do you expect to be out of serious training for (I need some catch up time lol)
We shall see,y friend. I defiantly hope all goes well.
Will you be able to do any lower odd work at all? Or is it a case of 8 weeks off all together?
Wait a minute I have missed something. What surgery are you having?
Do you do your single arm DB press seated or standing?
Nice pb deception, pushing ahead just to make my life harder haha.
Get some vids up when you can dude would be nice to see how your getting one![]()
Haha nice semi-accidental PB
Nice way to round out the year, and a good number to hit before your recovery.
Haha, cheers mate
To be honest, the amount of times I punted nd re counted the plates when I did 170 was pretty funny. Must have counted them at least 5 times as I was suprised at how easy it moved.
I pretty much tend to film most of my sets now just p I can check out the form is all good.