Declining attitude to law and order

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Nothing to see here, another idiot trying to fight with police and surprised when she gets shoved to the ground. Then the morons on twitter cut a video and try make her seem like some old defenseless lady was punched by police. Yeah these police told me to stand back, so i'm gonna run into them. Great idea. Also he barely shoved her..... that screaming was way over the top.

The police shouldn't have even been there in the first place - I mean, why are they actually defending the fascist takeover (i.e. the 'lockdown') of this country?
Makes you wonder - next stop, Belarus!
You do remember the riot police and horses at the BLM protest right?

You are putting different police situations as equal.
BLM: I remember seeing the cops running away, and kneeling to the violent protesters, protesters complaining about a non-real issue.

At Trafalgar square we see police bashing middle aged women complaining about the new Totalitarian State we are living in. Go figure.
Hmm I don't know...let me see, apart from the increase in crime and lawlessness and the stated aims of some BLM to make extinct 'whitey'...

We probably shouldn't support the ethnic cleansing of white people really.

Objectively speaking, why should we welcome it?

I didn't state an opinion, I just asked if you were a racist. Thanks for confirming, I guess.
You know you're living in clown world when otherwise intelligent and well mensing people genuinely argue that a significant change to a nation's demographic is consequence free, even more so that people who argue otherwise are demonised. Bezmenov was right.

I didn't state an opinion, I just asked if you were a racist. Thanks for confirming, I guess.

Wishing a nation to maintain its demographic makeup is not racist. Banding about "racist" is not welcome here.

Hmm I don't know . . . let me see, I guess that I can see some cases where it might be viewed as a positive . . . for far-right racists perhaps :confused:

Did you just advocate for the eradication of a people based on skin colour as long as they have specific politics and cultural beliefs?
Well if the Daily Mail says she is a BLM Organiser, then case closed, she must be :rolleyes:

ps - I am delighted that I can bring a wee bit of laughter into your sad existence :p

pps - How come the British Daily Mail can't spell "organiser" :confused:

"Tatiana Turner, 40, is a founder of a pro-BLM group called “Caravan4Justice” in Yorba Linda. Turner was caught on video accelerating her vehicle into a crowd of Trump supporters as an opposing BLM demonstration was taking place nearby."

If / when we get the census in 2021 I think there will be a few surprises as to the shift in demographics.

We are already at a stage where 25-30% of school children are ethically diverse. This figure is rising and quickly.

So when the old white pensioners pass in the coming years and the number of either immigrants or uk born ethnically diverse people continue exceed the white birth rate of course there will be huge changes to the make up of the uk.
You know you're living in clown world when otherwise intelligent and well mensing people genuinely argue that a significant change to a nation's demographic is consequence free, even more so that people who argue otherwise are demonised. Bezmenov was right.

Wishing a nation to maintain its demographic makeup is not racist. Banding about "racist" is not welcome here.

Did you just advocate for the eradication of a people based on skin colour as long as they have specific politics and cultural beliefs?

People aren't arguing that is doesnt change the culture, they're saying they dont care, but that saying non whites = more crime is definitely racist.

And no, he obviously wasn't advocating that in any seriousness, it was a hyperbolic / satirical comment to someone being an obvious racist.
Rebel News huh?
Can't say I have ever heard of them but I have absolutely no doubt that they are a genuinely unbiased media organisation, untainted by any allegation of Fake News® and with a comprehensive list of all "leading Black Lives Matter organisers" ;)

There are a shed load of news on that racist person.
But you never did your home work because you would find out who she really is.

Out of the 6,000,000 links through google heres 1

Incidentally, did you choose your Id in memory of Il Duce?

Shows how much you don't know about gaming...try harder..oh and lolstockhausen
Its racist to not want an increase crime?

Or to not want to be the victim of stated genocidal claims.

Wow. Who knew?

Why would crime increase? Who is committing genocide? If you're going to claim these things you should at least provide evidence to substantiate them.

Wishing a nation to maintain its demographic makeup is not racist. Banding about "racist" is not welcome here.

It's exactly that in the explicit context of the post I quoted.
. . .
Shows how much you don't know about gaming...try harder..oh and lolstockhausen
The latest link you provided doesn't in any way justify your invented assertion that Tatania Turner is a "BLM Organiser" or even that she is a "racist person" as you claim. However, I really can't be bothered chasing your fantasy any further so please don't swamp this thread with thousands of irrelevant links.

As to Il Duce, no, you are absolutely right, I don't play fantasy computer games - sad, isn't it? :(
I've met a fair few people who won't accept tribalism is the natural order of things and then in the next breath will say "**** the Tories" or something equally tribal. Makes you wonder how they have no self awareness.

I'm not afraid to say I prefer living in a more homogenous town than one that is very diverse. I've done a lot of travelling and this goes for places I've visited. The most beautiful and interesting places are normally very rooted in the history of a shared ancestry. Multicultural societies are usually rooted more in capitalism so they tend to be all very similar.
The latest link you provided doesn't in any way justify your invented assertion that Tatania Turner is a "BLM Organiser" or even that she is a "racist person" as you claim. However, I really can't be bothered chasing your fantasy any further so please don't swamp this thread with thousands of irrelevant links.

As to Il Duce, no, you are absolutely right, I don't play fantasy computer games - sad, isn't it? :(


Lost again and still can't read.
The only game you play is "How to be an apologist with out no one knowing"
Why would crime increase? Who is committing genocide? If you're going to claim these things you should at least provide evidence to substantiate them.

Evidence of the crime increase has been widely provided on here and is easily available.

Immigrants from outside the EEA commit more crimes on average than natives.

All other racial demographics commit more crime on average than white British. When broken down to nationality there are instances where this doesn't hold true (for example eastern Asians, western Europeans).

Therefore by allowing continued immigration the probability of encountering more crime increases.

I don't like crime.
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