Dehydrating with The_blue - Easy beef Jerky

Ahhh, biltong....I still have two bags left from where I treated myself for Christmas. Alas, all the boerewors and droewors has been stuffed down my neck already. Jerky is a poor subsititute for me...but when you're in the mood for a stukkie biltong, you take what you can get :D
Ahhh, biltong....I still have two bags left from where I treated myself for Christmas. Alas, all the boerewors and droewors has been stuffed down my neck already. Jerky is a poor subsititute for me...but when you're in the mood for a stukkie biltong, you take what you can get :D

The problem with jerky is the sweetness, the only things that should ever be present on dried meat are salt, chilli, or garlic.

I'm REALLY jonesing for some droewors now!
Jerky is a poor subsititute for me...but when you're in the mood for a stukkie biltong, you take what you can get :D


Thats like saying ham is better than beef. One day you want beef sarneys the other its ham and pickle :)

The reason I've got jerky here is the ease of prep for with no extra skills needed, biltong is made in longer strips cut with the grain so you end up with long strips ready to carve into the bite sized bits. If you've never tried cutting dried biltong into strips it isn't easy and to most folk its impossible :D

Check this guys biltong cleaver! Its vice press!!

This recipe can be altered to use biltong spices and make a hybrid 'tender as jerky but tastes of biltong' thingy
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The problem with jerky is the sweetness, the only things that should ever be present on dried meat are salt, chilli, or garlic.

No sweet stuff in mine! ;) You have to remember this is a yanky tradition. They sweeten everything.. Cake for breakfast?? :confused:

I realy wish we has kudu in the uk.... hmmm.... kudu..
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Still got a nice big bag of chilli biltong sat right next to me from my last trip to SA :)

Might try this though to see how it compares.
Billtong tastes like dried dog food smells - I can only assume it tastes like it too.

Don't you make jerky with a box, rack, and light bulb? The box acts like a chimmney (got air pulled in the bottom and out the top due to to warm bulb). The slight warmth and constant air flow dries the meat properly.

Make sure to cover your vents with suitable fabric to stop insects getting - that would be nasty.
Don't you make jerky with a box, rack, and light bulb? The box acts like a chimmney (got air pulled in the bottom and out the top due to to warm bulb). The slight warmth and constant air flow dries the meat properly.

Make sure to cover your vents with suitable fabric to stop insects getting - that would be nasty.

This is the normal way but this is just as good and keeps the meat at the right temprature.

Plus no one on here will want a drying box in the kitchen but all will have an oven. :)
They will come. I would have took more from the last lot but i ate it!

The meat isn't cooked at that temp, its right on the line but allows enough heat, along with the salt to kill the bugs. The pictures are just to show the process

I have made this on the kitchen radiator before ;)
What I do is prop the oven door open slightly with a wooden spoon, set it for the lowest heat possible and leave it overnight. So long as it doesn't dry out too much, it's pretty difficult to ruin it.
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