I've used MS Money for almost 10 years and would be lost without it.

Actually prefer the old versions (still using Money 97!) as the newer ones added loads of features I didn't need and increased the size of .mny files tenfold.

Lets me keep tabs on every account we have - I make sure every transaction is recorded in there and then just reconcile my statements when they arrive. Usually takes me 10 mins every couple of days to input all the receipts I've got and go through any statements.

Prior to that I tried both the paper-records and spreadsheet routes - they do work, but are a LOT more hassle to maintain when you've got a lot of accounts.
Give me your cash, I will provide you with an allowance per week that you have to learn to stick to. I'll spend the rest of the money myself. :)

Failing that, Excel?
I guess it's more database based, so will be a lot more accurate and less fiddly at the end of the day.

I keep track of my cash with just one big spreadsheet, with lots of dates, and basically whenever I buy something, I stick it down on there, keeping track of what chash and card transactions happen. I also add all future things that are likely to come out of my account, such as weekly shops, bills, rent etc. It's a rubbish way of doing it, but works for me :p
smoove said:
Hi guys, im thinking of setting up something in a spreadsheet format to keep tabs on my money, I did try Quickbooks, but by god thats overkill lol!

Anyone got any tips on keeping tabs of the mullah? :) Thanks.

I have a little spread sheet i keep that tells you what you have available to the day.. but it's only as good by keeping it upto date. Saves going overdrawn.. Something i've always done since once i got my account closed becuase i took too much out!!

Statements can be checked back too.

if your interested, i could send you the file..with some examples... :)
Admiral Huddy said:
I have a little spread sheet i keep that tells you what you have available to the day.. but it's only as good by keeping it upto date. Saves going overdrawn.. Something i've always done since once i got my account closed becuase i took too much out!!

Statements can be checked back too.

if your interested, i could send you the file..with some examples... :)

I wouldnt mind a copy please mate :)

stellyuk at gmail dot com

thanks you :)

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It's not hard people :)

Excel spreadsheet with Date, Money In, Money Out, Total, Description.

I've used this for a lot of years now.
I use natwest online banking, all my accounts are shown in real time and things like CC's are paid by just putting the money across on there.

Cant see the need to do it any more extensively than that?
Jez said:
Cant see the need to do it any more extensively than that?
I use online banking as well. But using a spreadsheet allows you to see what your money is doing months in advance :)
smoove said:
Hi guys, im thinking of setting up something in a spreadsheet format to keep tabs on my money, I did try Quickbooks, but by god thats overkill lol!

Anyone got any tips on keeping tabs of the mullah? :) Thanks.

Your brain perhaps?? :p

Thats what i use when keeping tabs on my money, i know where my money is going every month and im usually not more than a tenner off either way. I have this amazing ability to remember my finances right down to the pound but when it comes to other things...i cant really remember much :o :p

But if you want to use a decent spreadsheet then Excel is the one i would recommend. Its never failed me in the past when i have used it.
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