Now, with Medicine the course should come before all other things.

E.g. is it PBL? Do you have ward access from day 1 etc etc etc.

Now, that aside, I <3 Manchester, and of the people I know on the Med course, all are hot girls. However, I know Southampton is another great Medicine course.

Manchester and Leeds have a good nightlife and I can't speak of the others.

But please don't base it on being a good student town! Where there is alcohol and ladies, there is fun.

FYI, I would chose Manchester, Southhampton and Newcastle (not in order).
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Hi all.

I'm reapplying for med school this year and I'm finalizing my uni choices. I don't know much about the following cities though. I know there's quite a few but I was hoping you guys might be able to tell me your opinions on these cities. Are they good student towns?


It would be great to have your opinions. I need to select three of them.

Thanks very much guys.
I'd put them in this order as "student cities"

Leeds is the best student city on that list but I'm surprised Liverpool isn't up there. They have a massive medic school, are a member of the russell group and Liverpool is a better student city than all of the ones you listed.
Lol there's never going to be a best "student city". People just base that on their experiences there :/

Granted the amount of students there might have an influence, but you can have just as much fun wherever you go. I go to Plymouth, and I've got friends in Bristol, Cardiff, Bournemouth and Kingston. We've had good nights out in all of them :)
Leicester is alright. Depends which uni you are going to though. I guess DMU if you are thinking of basing your decision on the city rather than the university. DMU is right in the middle of the city which is good. Leicester proper is further out. The new DMU union is pretty poor though. Actually the old one was rubbish too.

Also depends what your "scene" is as to what the best city would be.

Nothing on your list beats Brighton though :D
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