Delivery HELP

2 Sep 2011
First off sorry if this isn't in the right section. I ordered something off overclockers at 8.51pm on Friday evening and i was able to select Monday for a delivery date (DPD next day), however in the confirmation email i read something like "it may not be due to delivery until tuesday since our couriers...." and i pressed delete on the email ./sigh

Can anyone enlighten me as to whether i should be waiting in today or not, on my overclockers acct it says the order is complete but obviously ive lost my tracking details....

Thanks in advance.
Do you not have a trash/deleted folder on your mail account?? Serious question. If not (eg you've set IMAP to remove immediately) then all you can do is ring OcUK for a proper answer.

e: Or post in the customer service section of the forum with whatever details you have to hand.
Im not keen on the whole go phone part incase i actually miss the delivery thanks for the advice though.

As tidusjar and I said, post in the customer service section and ask there. They'll be able to dig out your order and its delivery details and let you know when to expect the package. No phones required. :p
Look at that. Not even in work and he's working :D

5UB never stops working...


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